Friday 1 December 2023

Global Peace and Healing

As our attention turns to COP28, and sharing how we can best act to heal and take care of our planet at this time of great flux and change, we also continue to focus on Global Peace through daily work with the crystal healing cairn, here at Old Nisthouse in Orkney. 

Currently programmed: 

'To send peace, healing, harmony and balance to the Earth and her inhabitants.’

This beautiful rose quartz cairn and associated crystals, can be tuned into by anyone, at any time, in person or from a distance, to send its healing energies out across the planet as a whole, or to a specific area, community, or region in need.

To connect in, simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, at a time to suit you. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the cairn as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer, for the planet as a whole or a region of your choice.

Each and every connection empowers the regional and planetary healing effect of the meditation as well as bringing a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing, so needed in the current challenges so many face.
Planetary healing Cairn

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