Tuesday 27 September 2022

Meditations for Peace, Healing and Heart Connection

The focus for both of our planetary healing meditations this week, Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th of September, through 8pm BST, is:

'To send peace, healing and the unity of heart connection to the Earth and all her inhabitants.'

These meditations will use the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below.

Please feel welcome to join us from where ever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystal as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer.

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing, so needed in the current challenges we and our beautiful planet face. 

Heart shaped chunk of rose quartz

Monday 26 September 2022

Planting Personal Crystal Sets

The first crystals I planted, on our recent trip south, was a set of personal crystals, to a site in Northern mainland Scotland. I have always felt a great affinity for this particular place, and whenever I am there I feel very heart connected to positive Earth energies.  

The crystal set placed was comprised of a rose quartz, a snow quartz, and a lapis lazuli, programmed together for planting for the greater good of all. 

Crystal set planted

I've done this before, to other sites, and it feels to enable me to draw on the energy of the beautiful places to which the sets are placed, whenever I feel I am in need of strengthening. This is especially handy when living on a fairly isolated island in the far North of the UK, from which it isn't always easy to travel. Although Orkney has a very special healing energy of its own, we all benefit from different energies at different times and in different circumstances. 

View from above the site of planting

Such crystal sets also serve to feed positive energy back into the Earth's energy grid and provide a positive energy 'wash' to all in their vicinity or to anyone visiting the places to which they are planted. As more sets are placed they begin to interconnect to form a growing net of positive planetary energy which can be further empowered through meditation.  

Anyone can action this type of planting, using sets of crystals key to themselves. However, if you are drawn to working in this way, always make sure you place the crystals to places of known high energy, or where Earth healing has been previously actioned in some way, or where you can truly feel the strength of positive energy connection in your heart.

Thursday 22 September 2022

Equinox Meditation

Tonight's meditation, 22nd September 2022, through 8pm BST, is to prepare all for the fast approaching equinox which this year falls in the early hours of tomorrow, 23rd September, GMT.

The focus is:

'To bring greater joy, hope, strength and heart connection to the Earth and all her inhabitants.' 

This meditation will use a beautiful combination of four rose aura,  four sunshine aura and a Pure Grace Heart (specially programmed selenite) as shown below.

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe. 

To connect in simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of any worries or concerns and then focus on the words and image of the crystals as shown below. 

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation and brings much needed healing at both a global level, and a personal level, in accordance with the focus.

Wishing all, peace, hope and strength of heart, this coming equinox.

Rose aura, sunshine aura and Pure Grace Heart

Wednesday 21 September 2022


Sitting in the garden yesterday, in perhaps the last warmth of the late summer, I heard a really strange coughing sound. At first I thought it must be coming from sheep or cows in the field adjacent to our house but eventually pinpointed it to a pile of leaves between some wood we have stacked, outside. Deciding it was most likely coming from a hedgehog, but not wanting to disturb it, I felt drawn to placing a small piece of rough cut rose quartz under the leaves nearby, programmed to veil peace and healing  to all animals within its vicinity.

Returning half an hour later the noise had stopped and all felt peaceful again. Checking up later about hedgehog sounds, what I heard seemed to match that of a hedgehog with a dusty nest or something temporarily stuck in its throat, or perhaps even snoring! 

Rose quartz pieces, like the one in this instance, are really useful to have in your planting tool kit as they can be utilised in so many different ways and are always a good go to for any animal potentially in distress. They could also be used to place near animals that you are aware of that are hibernating or preparing to do so, or nearby their nests, dens or resting places.

Rough cut rose quartz
before placement

Wood pile

Tuesday 20 September 2022

Recent Crystal Planting Trip

These are just some of the beautiful crystals planted during a recent trip south to Strathpeffer, Northern Scotland. I'll be sharing further details, in a series of posts, over the next few weeks.

Pyrite and rose quartz
general healing set

Mariposite for strengthening
 lochan ecosystems

Topaz aura for alignment to
spiritual wisdom

Monday 12 September 2022

This Weeks Meditations

Our beautiful global healing cairn, here in Orkney, will once again be the focus of our biweekly planetary healing meditations, this week, on Tuesday13th and Thursday 15th of September, and at the beginning of next week on Tuesday 20th of September, all through 8pm BST.

The rose quartz cairn and associated crystals, remain programmed to send peace, strength and positive connections to the Earth and her inhabitants. 

To join in simply sit in peace in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of your own worries and concerns, and then visualise the image of the cairn in meditation, positive thought or prayer. 

These meditations will have particular focus to all those in mourning or grieving at this time. 

The cairn can also be connected to at any time, as above, to send healing to the planet as a whole, or to an area or community of your choice. Each and every connection empowers the energy of the cairn and also brings peace and healing at a personal level.

Please feel welcome to join us.

Global healing cairn, Orkney

Aqua Aura Planting, Edinburgh

On a brief overnight stay, this beautiful aqua aura crystal was planted to the sacred space between two key churches in the heart of Edinburgh. The crystal, programmed to enhance spiritual connection through unconditional love in action, was placed to the base of a beautiful tree between St Cuthbert's and St John's churches, just off Princess Street, to enhance the healing and connective energy of this high energy area. There has been a church to the site of St Cuthbert's since the seventh century, making it one of the oldest Christian sites in the city. St Johns, although not founded until much later, has beautiful peace gardens, a fair trade shop and cafe, providing a haven of tranquillity, all within a few meters of the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Further information about our on-going global aura planting work, to enhance and align planetary energies is pinned to the pages section of this blog. All are welcome to take part.

Aqua aura before placement

Spire of Parish Church of St Cuthbert 

St John's church