Aura quartz crystals with their beautiful iridescence and unique energies are a powerful addition to the crystal planters tool kit. Formed by bonding precious metal vapours with natural quartz, they provide a new body of healing opportunities with particular relevance to current times.
Since the work began in 2006, we have now built a total of 8 ongoing global planting projects using these amazing crystals.
The aura crystals help to realign different aspects of the Earths planetary body and her inhabitants to the new energies beginning to imbue our collective consciousness as the Earth, and we, undergo the transition into a new astrological age. Such times of cosmic change offer great opportunity but also many challenges, as old energy patterns, ways of living, working, and connecting with one another and our beautiful planet break down to make way for the new.
The growing nets of planted aura crystals, act to weave Light back into the planetary body touching all in their wake and forming an ever-flowing bridge between cosmic and earth energies.
If you would like to contribute to this key body of work, specially programmed aura crystals for planting for each project will shortly be available from our sister site @starlightcrystals.
Alternatively, if you have your own aura crystals for use, they can be cleansed under running water, planted to the site or sites of your choosing, and then ignited to become part of the work by simply asking that they are connected to the Crystal Earthwork's crystal grid already in place for the relevant project.
For example for a cleansed and planted aqua aura:
'I call upon the Light and ask that this aqua aura crystal, here planted, be ignited to the Crystal Earthworks matrix of Aqua Aura Light. Thank you.'
By calling to the Light in this way, we are drawing on the purity of Universal energy for the greater good of all, our Earth Mother, all her inhabitants and ourselves in actioning this work.
Some of the aura crystals are also available for personal use in meditation or to wear or carry.
For every 99 crystals planted for each project, a greater enhancement of healing and realignment will occur. These synergies of energy will benefit all, as the crystal matrixes of Light expand across the globe.
This was our first aura planting project and began in 2006, with the placement of one of these beautiful crystals to Mount Olympus in Greece. Its aim is to plant Aqua Aura crystals to places of high energy and spiritual connection across the globe. These sites may be mountainsides, cliff tops, standing stones, churches, temples, gardens, woodland - anywhere each of us feel personally drawn to for spiritual empowerment and peace.
Aqua aura are made by fusing quartz with gold giving them their stunning blue colour. Each aqua aura crystal is specially programmed and when planted will add to a growing matrix of spiritual energy being imbued to the planet as we move into the age of Aquarius. It is envisaged that as this crystal matrix grows individuals and groups will be drawn to visit the sites of planting of these crystals to enhance their own sense of spiritual strength, purity and peace.
Specially programmed Tanzine Aura crystals are also available for individuals to carry and meditate with in their daily lives to facilitate creative connection and alignment.
Specially programmed Topaz Aura crystals are also available for personal use, facilitating spiritual clarity and wisdom.
We began working with Angel Aura in 2015. These beautiful pearly white iridescent crystals are formed by fusing clear quartz with silver and platinum. The resultant vibration resonates well with the interface between angelic and earthly realms, hence their name.
Specially programmed to enhance angelic connection to the bearer or place of planting and all in their wake, they work at this interface opening portals to angelic consciousness wherever they are placed.
Suitable sites of planting are areas of high positive energy such as places of worship, spiritual centres, viewpoints, hill tops and natural environments of great purity. They can also play a key part in enhancing healing by placing to sites where many are in need, such as hospital grounds, orphanages, care homes and hospices.
Programmed angel aura are also available for personal use to enhance angelic connection at a personal level.
Angel Aura |
Global Rose Aura Planting
Rose Aura has a beautiful deep rose-pink hue and is formed by bonding quartz with platinum. We waited many years to connect to a suitable source of these crystals and finally began working with them in 2017.
Programmed to enhance heart connection to the Earth and all within their wake they have a key part to play in this time of planetary transition and awakening of consciousness. For Earth is the teacher of Heart, and we as humans are here with the opportunity to learn of heart energy, and to open our hearts fully should we so choose.
Suitable sites of planting are places of high energy, spiritual sites, places of worship, mountain tops, viewpoints, and centres of Earth healing.
They are also available for personal use to wear, carry or use in meditation to strengthen heart connection to all.
We first started working with these crystals in 2019 under the name sunshine aura. However, our current source has been renamed as sunset aura, which is similar to sunshine aura but its beautiful orange-yellow base colour has a richer more metallic, magenta hue.
Specially programmed to bring joy, hope, positivity and strength to the bearer or place of planting in times of change their colour and rainbow hue mirrors the energy of a beautiful sunset.
Sunsets are symbolic of positive transitions, thus these crystals are particularly suitable for planting to places of transition, such as care homes, hospitals, hospices and healing centres, or for placing centrally to a community or to a high point in an area, from which they can veil their positive energy to all in their wake.
They are also available for personal use in meditation or to wear or carry to enhance positivity and trust in times of change.
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Sunset Aura |
Global Titanium Aura Planting
Titanium aura, sometimes known as rainbow aura, are formed by fusing clear quartz with titanium. We began working with these stunning, deep purple, rainbow sheen, crystals in 2019.
Specially programmed to veil positive transformation to all in their wake, they are best suited for planting to areas where positive transformation is required yet gridding with amethyst for positive change is challenging in some way.
Titanium aura can also be placed centrally in the home or workplace to veil positive transmutation to all within their vicinity during times of transition or upheaval. Used in this way, they act as a powerful visual and energetic reminder of the beauty and potential for positive change in us all.
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Titanium aura |
Apple aura crystals are the latest addition to Crystal Earthworks aura planting work. Formed by fusing quartz with nickel and sometimes gold, these stunning crystals embody our heart connection and co-dependency with nature and our beautiful Earth mother, mirrored by their varied green hues.
Programmed to ground the emerald green Light of harmony, balance, restoration and replenishment to the Earth and her inhabitants, they are currently being planted to key trees across the globe. These 'Mother' trees then ground and feed this restorative energy both via the 'Wood Wide Web' to other trees in their vicinity and via the Earth's subtle energy field into the physical landmass renewing and recharging all in their wake.
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Apple Aura |