Monday, 26 September 2022

Planting Personal Crystal Sets

The first crystals I planted, on our recent trip south, was a set of personal crystals, to a site in Northern mainland Scotland. I have always felt a great affinity for this particular place, and whenever I am there I feel very heart connected to positive Earth energies.  

The crystal set placed was comprised of a rose quartz, a snow quartz, and a lapis lazuli, programmed together for planting for the greater good of all. 

Crystal set planted

I've done this before, to other sites, and it feels to enable me to draw on the energy of the beautiful places to which the sets are placed, whenever I feel I am in need of strengthening. This is especially handy when living on a fairly isolated island in the far North of the UK, from which it isn't always easy to travel. Although Orkney has a very special healing energy of its own, we all benefit from different energies at different times and in different circumstances. 

View from above the site of planting

Such crystal sets also serve to feed positive energy back into the Earth's energy grid and provide a positive energy 'wash' to all in their vicinity or to anyone visiting the places to which they are planted. As more sets are placed they begin to interconnect to form a growing net of positive planetary energy which can be further empowered through meditation.  

Anyone can action this type of planting, using sets of crystals key to themselves. However, if you are drawn to working in this way, always make sure you place the crystals to places of known high energy, or where Earth healing has been previously actioned in some way, or where you can truly feel the strength of positive energy connection in your heart.

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