Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Sunshine Aura Planting

Lovely to receive a record a few days ago of one of the Crystal Earthworks sponsored sunshine aura's being planted at the top of the hill shown below, above the village of Mousehole, in Cornwall, England, on 8/05/20. These specially programmed crystals radiate out joy, hope, positivity and vitality to all within their vicinity, much needed energies for all of us in these times of challenge. 
Counting this as the second in Crystal Earthworks '50 crystals in 50 days' recently launched global crystal planting project. If any of you have managed to plant a crystal of your own in your local area as part of this work, it would be lovely to hear from you - not sure current lockdown restrictions here in Scotland will enable me to plant 48 more myself! 

View from hill above Mousehole
Site of planting

Sunshine Aura

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