Thursday, 21 May 2020

Crystals For Peace and Strength

We are focusing on the theme of peace and strength this week, as lockdown continues for many, and for others the tentative steps of communities reopening their doors brings new challenges and required ways of living.
Peace and and a feeling of connectedness to the support of something greater than ourselves is key at this time, both at a personal and planetary level. For whilst we stand on the cusp of opportunity for positive change to become truly responsible custodians for our beautiful planet and to move forward in new sustainable ways of living, we are also facing loss and suffering in ways few of us could have envisaged.
Rose quartz is a key crystal at this time. It can be carried or worn personally, programmed to bring gentle peace and healing to the bearer, a small tumbled piece or pendant will suffice. It can be placed to the home or workplace, programmed to bring peace and healing to all in its wake, a fist sized chunk is best. In addition, it can be planted directly into the earth or used as a meditative cairn to bring peace and healing on a larger scale, again using a fist sized chunk, programmed to bring peace and healing to all in its wake.

Rose quartz in its various forms and sizes
Snow quartz is also particularly suited to the challenges of current times, for it is a bringer of gentle and sustained strength, peace and nurturance. Best suited to using personally, either in pendant or tumbled form, it can be worn, carried or placed to the bedside, programmed to bring strength, peace and Light support to the bearer. For healing at a wider level a fist sized chunk can be used as a meditative cairn nurturing all within its wake, as well as attracting and strengthening all forms of wildlife.
Snow quartz is of particular benefit at this time, to those working with the ill and infirm such as Doctors, nurses, carers and therapists to bring strength, nurturance and enhance intuitive response to those within their care.

Snow quartz in tumbled and rough cut forms
Please note :
All crystals require cleansing both before programming and regularly when in use - daily overnight in water if worn or carried,  or weekly for room crystals. Where crystals are placed or planted  outside they will be cleansed by the elements and no further action is required.
Cleansing is essential to avoid the crystals becoming saturated with negative energy which can then drip back into the energy field of the user, or area of placement. To cleanse either of these types of crystals simply place in a glass of water overnight, pat dry with a clean natural fibre cloth and then reprogram as described. Crystals new to you are best cleansed for a minimum of twelve hours in this way before use, as they will have connected with many different energies on their journey to you!

To programme your crystals to greatest effect, it is important to cleanse and align yourself and the space you are in first. This is simply done by stopping and being still, and then asking the Light (Universal /Cosmic energy) that all negativity be cleansed from your being and the room/space you are in and that the negativity is released to the Earth for transmutation, and then that you and the room/space are filled with positivity. Then you are ready to begin.
Simply hold the chosen crystal in your right palm (or place your right palm on the crystal if it is very large) and ask that it begins to work for you as given, for example:

"I ask the Light that this snow quartz veil me with strength, peace and gentle nurturance. Thank you."

The call to Light refers to divine energy (universal/cosmic energy).

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