Tuesday 5 September 2023

This Week's Meditations

There will be two global healing meditations this week, Tuesday 5th September and Thursday the 7th September, both through 8pm BST. 

Tonight's meditation returns to our theme of planetary nurturance, with our beautiful crystal configuration comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, 2 moonstone, 2 pietersite, 2 labradorite and 2 mookaite. The programming for this meditation is:

'To nurture, strengthen and realign the Earth and all her life forms in accordance with the greatest good of all.

Thursday's peace meditation uses the crystal configuration comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, four rose aura and four angel aura. The full focus of this meditation is:

'To send peace, strength and heart connection to the lands and people of all affected by war, conflict, environmental or natural disaster.'  

Please feel welcome to join us for either or both of these events, from wherever you are based across the globe.
To connect in simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the programming words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer.

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to personal healing inline with the energy focus of the meditation.

Tuesday’s global nurturance configuration

Thursday’s peace meditation configuration

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