There are two Crystal Earth Meditations this week, Tuesday 21/06/22 and Thursday 22/06/22, both through 8pm BST.
As tonight's event coincides with the summer solstice, here in the northern hemisphere, we will use a beautiful combination of a Pure Grace Heart, four sunset auras and four apple auras, programmed with the focus:
'To send the energies of joy, hope, strength and vitality to the Earth and her inhabitants'
This focus mirrors the vitality and fecundity of this beautiful time of year, when the sun is at its highest in the sky and warmth and growth infuses the earth and thus ourselves.
Please feel welcome to join us from where ever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystal as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer.
Each and every connection empowers the global healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of the energies of the focus at a personal level.
Thank you for your connection.
Pure Grace Heart, Sunset and Apple Aura Configuration |