Friday, 25 February 2022

Peace and Rose quartz

As shock waves from yesterdays invasion of Ukraine ripple out across the world, Crystal Earthworks is continuing to focus on peace and heart connection at both a personal and planetary level. 

The rose quartz global healing cairn, here in Orkney remains focused on sending peace, strength and positive connections to the lands and people of Ukraine. Regular daily meditations are continuing with the cairn and it can also be connected to at any time, by anyone, from wherever you are based (please see Wednesday 23/02/22 post for full details).

At a personal level, it is easy to feel disempowered with so many ongoing challenges.  Focusing on peace and heart connection which enables us to be the best version of ourselves, is a powerful tool in remaining resilient and positive in the face of so much change and uncertainty. If we can retain a sense of strength and hope in ourselves, we can then help others to do the same.

Wearing or carrying a piece of rose quartz, cleansed and programmed to veil us with peace, strength and heart connection, placing a piece next to us when we sleep, or using a larger chunk centrally in our homes, can all support us in retaining a greater sense of peace and wellbeing at this time.

If you meditate regularly, placing rose quartz in your meditation or sanctuary space can also be highly beneficial providing, as with all crystals, it is regularly cleansed. 

Rose quartz is also a beautiful focus for a personal or community healing cairn in an outside space - full details of how to action this are in the pages section of this blog.

Rose quartz for peace, strength
and heart connection

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