Thursday 2 December 2021

Angel Aura

Last Thursday evening in the centre of Glasgow I joined in a vigil for the twenty seven people who died last week in the English channel, seeking refuge in the UK. This was a spontaneous action as I just happened to be waking past. It was a very moving event and people had brought flowers and candles to place on the steps where it was taking place. Wondering what I could place I remembered I had an angel aura in my purse of crystals that I always carry with me. 

Programmed to enhance angelic connection to the bearer or all in their wake, these beautiful crystals have multiple uses at both a personal and planetary level in these times of challenge and sufferance for so many. As I stood having placed the angel aura on the steps in amongst the other offerings, I felt its beautiful energy radiating out to all present and also to all those who had lost their lives and to their grieving loved ones. 

As the vigil came to a close I wondered what would happen to the crystal now and simply asked that it went to who ever needed it most. Walking past the same site, nearly 48 hours later, I was stunned to see the angel aura still sitting on the steps continuing to radiate out its beautiful angelic energy to all. This site is one of the busiest places in central Glasgow and frequented by many people from all walks of life, including many who are homeless or struggling in some way.

This planting felt a timely reminder of how the simple action of placing even one small crystal in the right place at the right time can touch the hearts of many, and bring about healing often way beyond our original intentions. 

We continue our healing work in connection with refugees, asylum seekers and the homeless with our crystal meditation tonight, full details are in the previous post.

Angel aura

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