Wednesday 5 May 2021

Planting News

 A brief trip south to collect a family member this weekend enabled a few more crystals to be planted!

 A tanzine aura to facilitate spiritual connection and alignment with  particular reference to the creative arts was planted to the V&A in Dundee. 

Tanzine aura planted

Iconic V&A building, Dundee

A topaz aura, programmed to facilitate spiritual connection and alignment with particular reference to places of learning was planted to the RRS Discover centre in Dundee.

Topaz aura planted

RRS Discovery Centre

Both these plantings are part of the growing body of global aura planting work begun in 2007 to create webs of positive energy and alignment across the planet.

Finally a Rose Heart of Light for planting was placed to the North Sea at the midway point on the ferry trip between Aberdeen and Orkney.
These beautiful crystals to facilitate peace, healing and heart connection to all in their wake have been planted widely across the planet since 2002.

Rose Heart of Light before planting 

Site of planting

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