Monday, 31 August 2020

Meditations for Peace and Healing

 Over the next two weeks we continue with our meditation theme:

'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants'

using the new rose quartz cairn here at Old Nisthouse in Orkney.

The meditations will be on Tuesday 1st and 8th of September, and Thursday 3rd and 10th of September 2020, all through 8pm BST.
The Tuesday meditations will focus on the environment and the Thursday meditations on those who are most vulnerable at this time.
Please feel free to join us for one or all of these meditations from wherever you are based across the globe .
To connect in, simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then  focus on global peace and healing and the image of the cairn.
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing.

Rose quartz cairn,
Old Nisthouse,Orkney

Monday, 24 August 2020

New Cairn and This Weeks Meditations

Crystal Earthworks has a new meditation cairn, here in Orkney. 
The former cairn was closed and dismantled over the weekend and the associated crystals put to cleanse and rest. The beautiful amethyst which sat on top of it, and  has worked so hard over many years to bring healing to many, is now planted, here in the meadow at Old Nisthouse, where it continues its Earth healing journey.

The new cairn is topped with a beautiful piece of rose quartz programmed to bring peace and healing to all within its wake and and to the Earth and her inhabitants at a global level. The cairn can be connected to at any time in meditation, positive thought, or prayer at an individual, community or global level from where you are based. 

It also forms the focus of this weeks Crystal Earth Meditations, Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th of August 2020, both through 8pm BST. 
Hope you can join us for one or both of these meditations.

To connect in, simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then  focus on global peace and healing and the image of the cairn.
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing.

Rose Quartz cairn,
Old Nisthouse, Orkney

Friday, 21 August 2020

Foundation Work: Planting for Release

In this fourth and final post, looking at some of the key planting work, that was drawn together 18 years ago this week, we explore the subject of 'Release'.
Many different types of crystal planting involve release as by cleansing the lands and buildings to which they are placed of held negative imprints and stagnant energy, old energy patterns are lifted and the flow of energy, in purity, returns. 
However when we specifically refer to 'Planting for Release', we are placing crystals to help trapped soul aspects return back to the Light. Each of us is an aspect of a soul incarnated to the Earth at this time to clear our karma from other lives, learn the lessons we have chosen for this life, and in doing this, connect to our hearts and bring healing to the Earth. If all goes well, at the appointed time of passing we fully return to the Light, in peace, to review all we have achieved, ready for the next incarnation, or if we have balanced the scales enough, to continue our soul evolution from a Light perspective.
However where our passing is unexpected, traumatic or involves great suffering in some way, it is not unusual for the soul aspect to become trapped, over identified if you like, with the physical place of death and may require help to fully release back to Light. Crystals can be planted to help this release.
This is profound work and requires sensitivity and humility. Yet it is important to remember that we are never alone when working with crystals, and this work in particular is Light orchestrated, with angelic support present not only for those soul aspects being released, but also for those physically present at the time of planting.
To action this work a combination of rose quartz and selenite is used. A single rose quartz can be planted centrally to the area concerned and crushed selenite then scattered across the area. Alternatively, the area can be gridded with four rose quartz, one to each outer corner and a single bar of selenite placed centrally. In both case the crystals are programmed and ignited using specific wording to enable the Light support and action that is required for the release.
On our gathering in North East Scotland, we planted Boyne Castle in this way, using the second method, as the whole of the site was easily accessible. This beautiful site, which I have written about before, and where several subsequent crystal plantings have been actioned, had on this initial visit a feeling of great tension and unrest in the air. However on planting and igniting the crystals a feeling of immense peace came over the site, and all those present, and this peace remains to this day. We knew little about this site historically other than it had once been used as a hiding place for Mary Queen of Scots, but it had intuitively felt right that this type of planting was required.
Many global sites of great suffering have been planted in this way since. For example Auschwitz in Poland, the Pyramids in Egypt, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Ground Zero in New York and the Battle of Hastings in England. Equally 'Planting for Release' has been used to many smaller, lesser known sites, where a trapped presence has been felt or made itself known, or where, as in our first experience of this type of planting it felt intuitively right to do so.
Planting for release is a moving experience and if actioned with great respect for the energy changes taking place, it has the potential to help many. As although over time trapped soul aspects will naturally release, this can take many Earth cycles and until a particular aspect is fully released back to the Light, the progression of the soul is hampered.

Rose quartz chunk

Selenite bar

Boyne Castle
North East Scotland, 2019

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Foundation Work: Planting for Peace

A key part of the foundation crystal planting work put into action 18 years ago, focused on how best to heal negative energy imprints held to the very earth we live and walk on. Every action and step we take imprints energy into the earth, either positive or negative. In places with a chequered history such as a battlefield, site of terrorist attack, massacre or similar loss of life and destruction, the negative imprint of energy will affect all in its wake, creating an energy sink in which nothing can flow with the vibrancy of its pure state and further negative events, or actions are often attracted.
Such sites can be planted in a variety of ways and may well require multiple plantings to remove layers of negative energy imprints. The Peace Configuration, using four fist sized rose quartz crystals, placed to the exterior corners of such a site is often a key starting point however, and  can be used anywhere to great effect.
In this beautiful crystal configuration the rose quartz chunks are cleansed and programmed together to emanate a high charge of peace and healing to the earth within the energy circuit they create on planting, all living within the circuit and all those who visit that place. Once in place and ignited by a simple call to Light  for the peace and healing to begin, the crystals set up a three dimensional matrix of positive energy that cleanses and recharges all within to peace and anyone entering the circuit also receives this gift of peace and healing.
In North East Scotland, we planted a natural promontory called Fort Fiddes, with several interlinking grids of rose quartz crystals, due to the form and size of the site, programmed as above. This place, now deserted, had once been a peaceful community of farmers and artisans around 1000 years BC, with the land rich and fertile, however subsequent raids from across the sea by those less fortunate or skilled eventually led to the total devastation of that first community. Following this, similar acts of destruction continued to occur to any further community attempting to develop there because of the negative energy imprints held to the land from the initial raids. In addition, with each community that failed, a Pictish Fort, a Roman Fort and then the beginnings of a church community,  further imprints of grief and destruction were left behind.
Before the planting, despite its beauty, those who were energy sensitive could feel the sadness pervading this place, mirrored in the nearly empty carpark in spite of it being the height of summer. Yet after placing and igniting the crystals the whole area took on a feeling of peace and renewed vibrancy and almost within minutes the car park began to fill with visitors. 
I have returned to this site several times since, and its vibrant energy continues and a deep sense of peace can be felt by simply sitting or lying out on the promontory within the crystal circuits.
The Peace Circuit is a gift indeed. Since this initial placement, it has been planted to many sites of held negativity across the globe and it continues to be a key tool for all drawn to healing the Earth in this way.

Rose quartz chunks suitable for planting for peace
Fort Fiddes, May 2019
View looking back from Fort Fiddes, May 2019

Meditation for Peace and Heart Connection

Tonight, 20/08/20 through 8pm BST we return to our meditation focus:

'To send peace, healing and the unity of heart connection to the Earth and her inhabitants.'

This meditation will use the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below. 

All are welcome to join us from where ever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer.
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing, so needed in the current challenges we and our beautiful planet face.

Heart shaped chunk of rose quartz

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Foundation work: Amethyst and Our Throw Away Culture

Amethyst is a beautiful vibrant purple crystal that has a myriad of uses for both personal and planetary healing. In this second part of the foundation work begun18 years ago, we look at its relevance in connection to the enormous amount of rubbish we have collectively produced across the planet and which now forms 'sink' areas of negative energy affecting all in their wake.
As with pyrite planting and usage, in connection with EMF's, it is not just about planting or using crystals in the appropriate ways but about changing our behaviour in the first place. In the case of electronic items, there are many benefits with current technology, not least in that it enables global sharing of new ideas and ways forward in the challenging times we all face. However, for example, social media, Gaming, watching television can all become addictive forms of escapism. Thus it is key we not only use and plant pyrite in connection with telecommunications, electricity and electronic items, but also that we limit our usage to that that best serves ourselves and the planet.
In terms of rubbish and crystal planting, it is key we reduce, reuse and recycle as much as we can first, before we look to using crystals to treat all that remains of that we no longer need. In this area, there have, collectively, been huge strides forward since our first gathering 18 years ago. Opportunities to recycle and reuse goods and packaging are much improved in many parts of the world, consumer pressure is beginning to work to get supermarkets to reassess packaging, and sustainable alternatives and zero waste products have greatly expanded over the last two decades. 
However there is still along way to go and this is an area where each of us can make a powerful contribution to healing our beautiful planet and helping those around us.
Once we have actioned reducing our own levels of waste, as far as possible, we can then use appropriately programmed amethyst to energy grid our homes and our rubbish/recycle areas, and look to similarly grid our local landfill sites and community recycle centres with amethyst.
At the holistic centre in North East Scotland, we planted the area containing the refuse bin and recycle containers by placing an amethyst to each corner of this outside site, programmed to energy contain the area of waste, absorb the associated negativity and direct it earthwards for transmutation.
On returning home, we then did the same to our own personal rubbish/recycle sites and gridded our local landfill sites with fist sized amethyst. The amethyst for the landfill sites were programmed for the release and transmutation of negativity and to contain the negative energy emissions within the grid created, protecting both the environment and people adjacent to those areas.
Landfill sites, like mobile phone masts, pylons and substations, are powerful emitters of negative energy which can greatly impact the health of  those in the their vicinity, especially those who are 'energy' vulnerable - children, the elderly and those who are pregnant. 
As with pyrite planting, this is a powerful gift of healing which we can simply action for ourselves and our local communities and in turn help the Earth and all her inhabitants.

Amethyst points suitable to energy grid a
home rubbish/ recycle area
always plant with point vertically upwards)
Fist sized amethyst suitable to energy grid landfill 
(up to ten can be used)

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Foundation Work: Pyrite and Telecommunications Masts

When we first came together 18 years ago (see previous post 'Crystal Earthworks Foundation'), our energy was focused on identifying the main sources of negativity on our planet and looking at how best to begin to heal those 'sores' both by changing our behaviour, and then planting crystals. Looking at the Earth from an energy perspective that week was very sobering, and sadly the solutions we received at that time, are collectively as relevant today as they were then, although there have been some strides forward in awareness.
The first crystal planting we did that week was placing fist sized pyrite to a telecommunications mast a few hundred metres away from the holistic centre where we were based in North East Scotland. The crystal was programmed to absorb the negative energy emissions from the mast directing the energies earthward for transmutation, and then planted deep enough to not be disturbed within 12' of the mast. This was part of the first section of the work entitled 'Staying Alive'.
The title may sound very dramatic but negative energy emissions from telecommunications masts, pylons and substations abound across our planet and the negative consequences on our health and wellbeing and that of our beautiful Earth as a whole are huge. The negative energy emanating from a medium sized mast, such as the one we planted, creates a high degree of negative charge to 500m around its placement but reaches to a ten mile radius of the mast. If you live within the vicinity of one of these structures, the EMF's or electromagnetic frequencies emitted have the potential to trigger any predisposition or energy weakness you may have to a particular disease. If you live further afield the effect will be reduced but can lead at best to a general debilitation and tiredness leaving you potentially open to other illness. None of this is conducive to health and well being.
On a planetary scale, the negative energy radiating from these structures, due to its magnetic nature is attracted to the poles, in particular the North Pole thus contributing to the overall heating of the planet, the melting of the ice caps and climate change.
Planting an appropriately programmed fist sized pyrite to any telecommunications masts, pylons or substations in your local area is thus one of the greatest healing gifts you can give to our planet at this time.
In the case of this first pyrite planting it enabled those running this unique high energy centre, to live and work in health and peace and those who visited to learn and receive healing in ways it would otherwise not have been possible. I have pyrite planted other masts adjacent to healing centres since, combining this with a grid of amethyst around the grounds, programmed to protect against negative environmental energies, again enabling these places to thrive and provide much needed healing to many.

Fist sized pyrite chispa suitable for
planting to telecommunication masts
Planting the first pyrite

Monday, 17 August 2020

Crystal Earth Meditations this Week

There will be two Crystal Earth Meditations this week, Monday 17/08/20 and Thursday 20/08/20 both through 8pm BST. 
The focus for tonight is our monthly meditation:

'To bring greater harmony and balance to the Earth's energy field.'

This meditation will use the beautiful combination of a Pure Grace Heart, four copper tumble stones and four angel aura, as shown below, and is in response to the high levels of negative electromagnetic radiation swamping our planet at this time.

To join in, simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time, wherever you are based across the globe. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer.
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation.

Crystal Earthworks Foundation

This week marks the 18th anniversary of the very beginnings of Crystal Earthworks, when twelve of us came together to learn how we could best heal our beautiful, yet energy challenged Earth, through personal action and the planting of crystals. 
So much has evolved since then, with many of the original group moving on to grow and share their own aspects of holistic healing work, others taking different paths, and yet all those who I still know of, and many others who have connected to this way of working since, continue to plant crystals and bring healing to the Earth and her inhabitants through this simple, yet powerful action. 
In honour of that empowering time and those first crystal seeds sown, for what would become the foundation of the Crystal Earthworks work, I will be sharing a practical example each day this week from that original body of crystal planting.

Key crystals in the foundation body 
of planetary healing work

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Fifty Crystals in Fifty Days

Saturday 8/08/2020 marked the completion of the 'Fifty Crystals in Fifty Days' project. Begun on the 50th anniversary of Earth day, it has continued beyond its original timescale and lead to nearer a hundred crystals being planted both in the UK and beyond. Saturday felt a fitting completion to the project as I planted the final crystal here at Old Nisthouse in Orkney, and a network of crystals both familiar and new to our work were ignited for planetary healing at a global level.
 A huge thank you goes out to all who have contributed to this work and please feel free to share any experiences you have had via social media or email.

Sunset in Orkney

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Crystal Earth Meditations

It's been a busy ten days of crystal planting and meditation work here in Orkney and further afield, so there is just one Crystal Earth Meditation this week on Thursday 13th August 2020 through 8pm BST. 
The focus will be: 
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below. As always, all are welcome to join us from where ever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer.
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing.

Heart shaped rose quartz chunk

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Help for the people of Beirut and Lebanon

The amethyst cairn and associated crystals, here at Old Nisthouse in Orkney, have been redirected to send strength and positive connections to all in distress in Beirut and Lebanon as a result of yesterdays explosion.
The cairn can be connected to at any time in meditation, positive thought or prayer, from where ever you are based across the globe. 
Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, let go of your own worries and concerns, and visualise the cairn, whilst asking for strength and positive connections to be veiled to all those in need. Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the crystals.

All those affected will also be included in tomorrow night's meditation for peace, healing and angelic connection.

Amethyst cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney

Monday, 3 August 2020

Crystal Earth Meditations

There will be two Crystal Earth meditations this week, Tuesday 4th and Thursday 6th of August 2020, both  through 8pm BST, with a focus:

 'To send peace, healing and angelic connection to the Earth and her inhabitants.'

These meditations will use the beautiful combination of a Pure Grace Selenite Heart, four rose quartz and four angel aura as shown below.
The Pure Grace Heart is for flow through heart connection to the divine feminine, the rose quartz are for peace and healing, and the angel aura facilitate angelic connection.
Tuesday's meditation has a particular focus to the planetary body and nature in its myriad of forms, whilst Thursday's centres on vulnerable individuals and communities across the globe.
All are welcome to join us from where ever you are based. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer.
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing.

Pure Grace Heart, Rose Quartz
and Angel Aura configuration

Thank You!

Lots of crystal planting has been taking place over the last week, using both familiar crystals and those new to the Crystal Earthwork's work. I'll be sharing some of the placements, here in Orkney, over the coming days.
A huge thank you goes out to all who continue to heal our energy challenged planet in this way, helping to return our beautiful Earth to her natural harmony, flow and balance, and bringing greater peace and strength to her inhabitants, in the challenging times we all face.

Aqua Aura for spiritual connection
through unconditional love in action