Monday 8 June 2020

Crystal Planting For General Healing

The foundation of the Crystal Earthworks is planting crystals to heal sores to the Earths surface. 
Orkney has a beautiful coastline but there are a few sites where that beauty is marred by historic, and in some cases more recent, dumping. This sort of fly tipping stems from the times when, especially on the islands or in more remote areas, getting rid of unwanted items or waste was not so easy, and has in part been extenuated by the current pandemic and associated reduced refuse and recycling opportunities.  Rubbish tends to accumulate where there is already a negative imprint of energy to the Earth, left by past negative events or stresses. Reminded of this, on our recent walks to the coast as lockdown begins to lift here in Scotland,  I felt prompted to begin to crystal plant these sites to cleanse and recharge them thus bringing about healing.
The General Healing configuration of a combination of programmed fist sized pyrite and rose quartz is ideal for this type of work. The pyrite absorbs negativity held to the earth at the site of planting re-aligning the area and the rose quartz veils peace and healing to the land and all who come within its vicinity.
I planted the first of these sets at the weekend to a site on an otherwise pristine bit of coastline in Birsay, on the west mainland of Orkney and other sites are to follow. 
This planting is also contributing to the 'Fifty crystals in fifty days' project begun on Earth day 2020.
If you are aware of similar sites in your own area and feel drawn to healing them in this way, please get in touch by email and I can forward you the full instructions for actioning the planting.

Pyrite planted, waiting to be covered

Rose quartz about to be planted

Part of tipping site

View looking back from site of planting

View from path above site of planting 

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