Sunday, 9 February 2025

Key Crystals

Someone asked me recently if I had to choose only three crystals to use in Earth Healing what would they be? Although I have both personally and collectively used an ever expanding variety of crystals through the planting and meditation work over the last 24 years, the answer to this was still easy - rose quartz, amethyst and pyrite.

Rose quartz is key as it brings about peace and gentle healing to whomever or wherever it is placed. Just as anyone can wear rose quartz, anywhere can be planted with rose quartz to beneficial effect. It can be used singularly, in multiples of four to energetically grid an area, or in combination with other crystals to bring about different nuances of healing depending on the nature and history of a particular site. This beautiful vibrant pink crystal is a true gift to our planet at this time of division and unrest and is already veiling much healing light to the Earth both seen and unseen.

Amethyst, with its vibrant violet hues is the stone of transformation, and forms the basis of several of Crystal Earthworks Earth healing configurations. It has a particular propensity both at a personal and planetary level to cleanse and release held negativity and karmic patterning bringing about positive change. It can also be used to energetically grid, contain and begin to alchemise negative energies at sites such as landfill, recycling or rubbish processing centres or simply the bin and recycle areas of our own homes. Its transmutational and protective qualities are key in protecting our homes and workplaces from negative environmental energies and it can also be carried as a personal amulet to this effect so needed in the negative energy soup within which most on the planet are currently residing.

Pyrite, the third of the crystals chosen, and sometimes known as 'fools gold’ due to its shiny metallic appearance, is in many ways the most relevant crystal to current times. At a personal level it works to help break down stubborn negative mental patterning but its key role in our homes, communities and at a planetary level is absorbing and directing earthward the high levels of manmade EMF’s swamping our planet at this time. Planted to mobile phone masts, pylons and substations it has the power to transform peoples health and the health of the Earth as a whole reducing climate change and our susceptibility to serious illness and disease. 

I’ll be sharing more about each of these crystals and how to use them to maximum effect over the coming months.

Amethyst, pyrite and rose quartz chunks

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