Monday, 24 February 2025

Catching Up

As I continue to catch up on crystal planting records from last year, I felt drawn to share this beautiful placement from Rhodes. If you have been following Crystal Earthworks for a while you will know that I, and others, have been planting key standing stones and natural rock formations for a while across the UK and beyond. These plantings are part of the projects global crystal placement work to enhance the energy of sacred stones and sites, in connection to current times.

On Rhodes  - I was intuitively prompted to plant the stunning Lions Head rock near Lindos with a beautiful merlinite crystal. At first I had no idea how we would access the site but then we were gifted with an amazing boat trip which took us right up to the rock so it was easy to place the crystal into the water next to it. 

Lions head rock near Lindos, Rhodes, Greece

The whole area is a natural high energy site of great beauty, flow and purification partly due to the way waters uprising further out in the ocean continually replenish the nearby bay and surrounding sea.

A Pure Grace Heart for Coastal Waters was also placed a little further south down the coast, off the boat on the same trip, as part of the Waters of Pure Grace work. Further details of this area of planting can be found in the pages section of this blog.

Merlinite and Pure Grace Selenite Heart
similar to the ones planted

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