We were blessed with a lovely trip out a week last Wednesday to the island of Rousay, which lies just north of the Orkney mainland. The focus of the trip was looking for rare beetles and completing one of the fundraising walk/runs I am doing. However, as always our travels also provided opportunities for crystal planting.
Continuing on from Crystal Earthworks focus on planting for peace from Earth Day, a beautiful Rose Heart of Light was planted on a remote headland on the northern tip of the island. This place is a magical spot and the energy felt beautiful and free flowing, in contrast to some of the fields nearby. With many seabirds nesting in the vicinity of the planting site, and whales often seen in this area, it felt that the gentle peace and healing radiating out from this crystal would not only bring healing to all in the adjacent area, but also be webbed across the planet by the birds and marine mammals, present and passing by.
Rose Heart of Light before planting |
Site of planting |
View from point of planting |
I also planted this beautiful angel aura, to a view point on a remote headland to the other side of the island. Mid-way round a popular walk with stunning views, this high energy site felt perfect for this type of planting, with the crystal programmed to enhance angelic connection to all in its wake.
Angel aura before planting |
View looking back on the walk |
Site of planting |
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