Crystal Earth Meditations, throughout December 2010, have been focusing on Peace.
The focus for tonight's meditation, the last of this year 2010, is:
'To send Peace to the Earth and her inhabitants'
This meditation will use a Pure Peace Set. We hope you can join us - for further details of how to connect to these meditations where ever you are based across the globe, please visit the projects website through the link on this blog and go to the meditation page. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Final Crystal Planting Opportunities 2010
As the snow melts, here in Orkney, crystal planting opportunities before the end of the year are once more opening up as we can finally travel further than walking distance from the house! If you are on the East coast of America snow and ice may be making this a little more challenging. One or two keen crystal planters have taken off to warmer climes to mark the end of the year - Majorca, Uganda and Goa.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Christmas Meditations
There will be special meditations through 3pm today Christmas Eve, 12pm Christmas Day and 3pm Boxing day, all focusing on Peace and using a Rose Heart of Light as a focus.
These specially programmed rose quartz crystal hearts bring peace to all in their wake and the meditations will focus on Peace at an Individual, Community, National, International and Global level.
Hope you can join us!
These specially programmed rose quartz crystal hearts bring peace to all in their wake and the meditations will focus on Peace at an Individual, Community, National, International and Global level.
Hope you can join us!
May peace be in the hearts of all this Christmas.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Winter Solstice
This years winter solstice felt very special in Orkney, as we were blessed with clear skies most of the early morning and at dusk, enabling amazing views of the total eclipse of the moon and of the last rays of the setting sun reaching the back wall of the chambered cairn at Maeshowe. Despite heavy lying snow and freezing temperatures an aqua aura was successfully planted in the vicinity of Maeshowe shortly after sunset as part of the global community planting project of these crystals - a truly inspiring day.
Eclipse moon as seen from Orkney, Winter Solstice, 2010
Close up of eclipse moon, Winter Solstice 2010, Orkney
Maeshowe in snow, Winter Solstice 2010

Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Peace Meditation
Crystal Earth Meditations, throughout December 2010, are focusing on Peace.
The focus for tonight's meditation, Wednesday 22nd December is:
'To send Peace to all life streams inhabiting the Earth'
This meditation will use a Pure Peace Set. We hope you can join us - for further details of how to connect to these meditations where ever you are based across the globe, please visit the projects website through the link on this blog and go to the meditation page. Thank you for your interest.
The focus for tonight's meditation, Wednesday 22nd December is:
'To send Peace to all life streams inhabiting the Earth'
This meditation will use a Pure Peace Set. We hope you can join us - for further details of how to connect to these meditations where ever you are based across the globe, please visit the projects website through the link on this blog and go to the meditation page. Thank you for your interest.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Peace Meditation Tonight
Crystal Earth Meditations, throughout December 2010, are focusing on Peace.
The focus for tonight's meditation, Wednesday 15th December is:
'To send Peace to the Earth and her inhabitants'
This meditation will use a Pure Peace Set. We hope you can join us - for further details of how to connect to these meditations where ever you are based across the globe, please visit the projects website through the link on this blog and go to the meditation page. Thank you for your interest.
The focus for tonight's meditation, Wednesday 15th December is:
'To send Peace to the Earth and her inhabitants'
This meditation will use a Pure Peace Set. We hope you can join us - for further details of how to connect to these meditations where ever you are based across the globe, please visit the projects website through the link on this blog and go to the meditation page. Thank you for your interest.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Aqua Aura and Rose Quartz
Someone was asking me about the best crystals to use or plant at this time of year. The two that stand out are rose quartz for peace and aqua aura for spiritual connection. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not and are experiencing winter or summer, peace and spiritual connection are always key in our lives.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Peace Meditation for Children
A reminder of tonight's 'Peace Meditation for Children' please see blog posting from the 1st December for further details.
It feels very appropriate to be focusing on peace on the anniversary of John Lennon's passing - for further details of his own visions of peace and inspiring lyrics in songs such as 'Imagine' please visit the links to John Lennon and Imagine Peace.

It feels very appropriate to be focusing on peace on the anniversary of John Lennon's passing - for further details of his own visions of peace and inspiring lyrics in songs such as 'Imagine' please visit the links to John Lennon and Imagine Peace.
Friday, 3 December 2010
The Snow Continues!
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Peace Meditations for December
Crystal Earth Meditations, throughout December 2010, will focus on Peace.
The Crystal Earth Meditations, on Wednesday 1st and 15th and 29th December are:
'To send Peace to the Earth and her inhabitants'
The Crystal Earth Meditation, on Wednesday 8th December is:
'To send Peace to the children of the Earth '
The Crystal Earth Meditation, on Wednesday 15th December is:
'To send Peace to all life streams inhabiting the Earth '
All these meditations will use a Pure Peace Set as a positive focus. These sets combine a Pure Grace Selenite heart with four rose quartz flowing peace to all in their wake, whether they are used in crystal planting or for meditation.
We hope you can join us for one or all of these Peace Meditations. Thank you for your connection and may Peace be with you through out the month of December.

The Crystal Earth Meditations, on Wednesday 1st and 15th and 29th December are:
'To send Peace to the Earth and her inhabitants'
The Crystal Earth Meditation, on Wednesday 8th December is:
'To send Peace to the children of the Earth '
The Crystal Earth Meditation, on Wednesday 15th December is:
'To send Peace to all life streams inhabiting the Earth '
All these meditations will use a Pure Peace Set as a positive focus. These sets combine a Pure Grace Selenite heart with four rose quartz flowing peace to all in their wake, whether they are used in crystal planting or for meditation.
We hope you can join us for one or all of these Peace Meditations. Thank you for your connection and may Peace be with you through out the month of December.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010
The return of the snow!
With winter returning in spectacular style to Scotland this week crystal planting plans have gone up in the air as its difficult to even reach the main road here at the moment other than on foot. However it feels good to be able to help the birds, small mammals and other wildlife as the cold weather sets in with the snow quartz cairn in the garden and using snow quartz in the several drinking stations we have for the birds here.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Bimonthly Meditation for Bees
Tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, 24th November 2010, is a continuation of our work to help bees across the planet.
As many of you will know bees have been suffering a dramatic reduction in numbers across the planet in recent years with potentially dramatic consequences for all of us if this decline is not reversed. There are many people across the Globe doing fantastic work to help reverse this trend, as well as increase public awareness of the current plight of bees and its planetary significance.
This meditation will be repeated every other month throughout 2010 and 2011. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus and thank you for joining us.

As many of you will know bees have been suffering a dramatic reduction in numbers across the planet in recent years with potentially dramatic consequences for all of us if this decline is not reversed. There are many people across the Globe doing fantastic work to help reverse this trend, as well as increase public awareness of the current plight of bees and its planetary significance.
This meditation will be repeated every other month throughout 2010 and 2011. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus and thank you for joining us.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Thank You
Friday, 19 November 2010
Universal Children's Day
The United Nations' (UN) Universal Children's Day, was established in 1954 and is celebrated on November 20th each year to promote international togetherness and awareness among children worldwide as well as to act as a platform to promote their well being.
In celebration of this event, this year, we are encouraging as many people as possible to plant a crystal to help children across the globe, tomorrow 20th November 2010.
Simply take a rose quartz or celestite crystal of any size or shape - it can be rough cut or tumbled.
Rinse it in running water to cleanse and pat dry with a clean white cotton cloth or similar.
Hold it in your right palm and ask that it be charged to bring peace (rose quartz) or angelic help (celestite) to the children of the Earth.
Then simply plant it to where you feel drawn by digging a hole and burying it, placing it under a stone or in a crack in a wall or in paving where it wont be disturbed.
It may be planted to a place of beauty, a place of need or a place directly connected to children - school, playground, home, refuge - trust your intuition.
Once placed, simply stand and ask that the crystal be ignited
Thank you for taking part in this simple, yet powerful act and for helping children across the globe.
This work is part of 'The Grace Project' which is the branch of the Crystal Earthworks responsible for developing crystal planting work in direct connection with children.
In celebration of this event, this year, we are encouraging as many people as possible to plant a crystal to help children across the globe, tomorrow 20th November 2010.
Simply take a rose quartz or celestite crystal of any size or shape - it can be rough cut or tumbled.
Rinse it in running water to cleanse and pat dry with a clean white cotton cloth or similar.
Hold it in your right palm and ask that it be charged to bring peace (rose quartz) or angelic help (celestite) to the children of the Earth.
Then simply plant it to where you feel drawn by digging a hole and burying it, placing it under a stone or in a crack in a wall or in paving where it wont be disturbed.
It may be planted to a place of beauty, a place of need or a place directly connected to children - school, playground, home, refuge - trust your intuition.
Once placed, simply stand and ask that the crystal be ignited
Thank you for taking part in this simple, yet powerful act and for helping children across the globe.
This work is part of 'The Grace Project' which is the branch of the Crystal Earthworks responsible for developing crystal planting work in direct connection with children.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Meditation for Haiti
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Thank You
Thank you to all who have sent birthday good wishes, cards and even presents today - the message in one card felt really important to share:
'Let us celebrate and renew our commitment to
build a world free of all forms of violence.
build a world free of all forms of violence.
Birthday Review
I felt prompted to review the past eight years, on this, the projects eighth birthday and it feels lovely to share with you all, how much has been achieved.
My own crystal planting work began in earnest in 1999 and continued into the summer of 2002. At that point, the coming together of 12 light workers for a course purely focused on crystal planting revealed that the seeds that I and others had already sown were to be a part of something much bigger than we had previously been aware of and with potential to bring great healing to our energy challenged planet. and her inhabitants.
From that initial coming together and the birthing of the Crystal Earthworks with its website through 11am on the 11th November 2002, much has been achieved. The first three years focused on introductory talks, courses, the provision of programmed crystals for planting for specific healing purposes, developing the website and the beginning of monthly crystal meditations for community and planetary healing. The website and leaflets written to accompany and guide the planting of the programmed crystals led to the offer of a publishing contract for the project for a book about crystal planting. Our first community crystal planting projects also began during this period.
A move to the North Yorkshire Moors followed, which provided many and varied healing opportunities and an inspiring location in which to write and work on the book. It was also during this time that two whole new bodies of planting work evolved with the birthing of the Aura Crystals for planting and the Pure Grace Hearts. The first seeds of work with children were sown, opportunities for introductory talks led to newspaper and magazine articles and this blog was started to inform and inspire a wider audience of the work being undertaken by the project and its healing potential. Crystal Earth Meditations expanded to take place every two weeks.
Five years later the project is now based in Orkney, the book is in its final stages, meditations are held weekly and the refining and development of the project as a whole continues.
Most importantly over the last eight years hundreds of records of crystal plantings have been sent in by a growing number of enthusiastic crystal planters. It is both humbling and inspiring to be able to say that the world is a far brighter place for all these plantings and the cleansing, healing and re-balancing these crystals continue to bring to the earth and her inhabitants.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank from my heart all those who have planted one, several or many crystals over the last eight years. Without you action, encouragement and support the project would not exist and the increasingly challenging times we and our beautiful planet all face would be of even greater severity and unrest.
The true healing potential of crystal planting work is only just beginning to be recognised and The Crystal Earthworks has much work to achieve yet we can all feel empowered to make a difference:
- When a person has a vision they are often described as a fool.
- If two of more share the same vision, they are said to be misguided.
- When 10 or more come together to empower the vision it is called a cult.
- When 100 enact a vision it is called a movement.
- When 1000 join the movement it is called a REVOLUTION.
As the Crystal Earthworks grows I pray that one day it will be a revolution bringing peace, healing and the strength of heart to all.
Louise Forsyth
My own crystal planting work began in earnest in 1999 and continued into the summer of 2002. At that point, the coming together of 12 light workers for a course purely focused on crystal planting revealed that the seeds that I and others had already sown were to be a part of something much bigger than we had previously been aware of and with potential to bring great healing to our energy challenged planet. and her inhabitants.
From that initial coming together and the birthing of the Crystal Earthworks with its website through 11am on the 11th November 2002, much has been achieved. The first three years focused on introductory talks, courses, the provision of programmed crystals for planting for specific healing purposes, developing the website and the beginning of monthly crystal meditations for community and planetary healing. The website and leaflets written to accompany and guide the planting of the programmed crystals led to the offer of a publishing contract for the project for a book about crystal planting. Our first community crystal planting projects also began during this period.
A move to the North Yorkshire Moors followed, which provided many and varied healing opportunities and an inspiring location in which to write and work on the book. It was also during this time that two whole new bodies of planting work evolved with the birthing of the Aura Crystals for planting and the Pure Grace Hearts. The first seeds of work with children were sown, opportunities for introductory talks led to newspaper and magazine articles and this blog was started to inform and inspire a wider audience of the work being undertaken by the project and its healing potential. Crystal Earth Meditations expanded to take place every two weeks.
Five years later the project is now based in Orkney, the book is in its final stages, meditations are held weekly and the refining and development of the project as a whole continues.
Most importantly over the last eight years hundreds of records of crystal plantings have been sent in by a growing number of enthusiastic crystal planters. It is both humbling and inspiring to be able to say that the world is a far brighter place for all these plantings and the cleansing, healing and re-balancing these crystals continue to bring to the earth and her inhabitants.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank from my heart all those who have planted one, several or many crystals over the last eight years. Without you action, encouragement and support the project would not exist and the increasingly challenging times we and our beautiful planet all face would be of even greater severity and unrest.
The true healing potential of crystal planting work is only just beginning to be recognised and The Crystal Earthworks has much work to achieve yet we can all feel empowered to make a difference:
- When a person has a vision they are often described as a fool.
- If two of more share the same vision, they are said to be misguided.
- When 10 or more come together to empower the vision it is called a cult.
- When 100 enact a vision it is called a movement.
- When 1000 join the movement it is called a REVOLUTION.
As the Crystal Earthworks grows I pray that one day it will be a revolution bringing peace, healing and the strength of heart to all.
Louise Forsyth
Happy Birthday
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Meditation for Children
New Look
Hope you like the new look blog, redesigned last night in preparation for the projects eighth birthday tomorrow. Details of our special birthday meditation through 11am and a review of the last eight years will be posted tomorrow morning. The cluster map has also undergone its yearly archiving so it will be lovely to see how interest spreads across the globe again in the year to come.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Many apologies to all those of you who access the blog or website to check on the focus for the Crystal Earth Meditations. Unfortunately the Internet was down here yesterday so I couldn't update things. We did hold a meditation to send 'Peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants' using rose quartz.
If you would like to receive a weekly text re the meditation focuses please simply email your mobile number and I will add you to the list.
Many thanks
If you would like to receive a weekly text re the meditation focuses please simply email your mobile number and I will add you to the list.
Many thanks
Friday, 29 October 2010
Global Coastal heart Planting
The images below were taken on South Ronaldsy in Orkney recently - hope they inspire you to join in and plant one of these beautiful crystals to the coastal waters near you. For further details go to the Pure Grace Hearts for Global Waters page.
Pure Grace Heart waiting to be planted
Waters after planting the crystal
Meditation Update - Indonesia and Summit in Japan
There will be an additional Crystal Earth Meditation through midday today, in light of the recent events in Indonesia.
The focus for this is:
'To send peace and healing to the people and lands of Indonesia'
This meditation will use a chunk of rose quartz. Please use the image below as a positive focus.

In addition crystal work is being done in connection with the Biodiversity summit in Japan which ends today. For further details of how you can personally help please visit the Avaaz link.
Thank you
The focus for this is:
'To send peace and healing to the people and lands of Indonesia'
This meditation will use a chunk of rose quartz. Please use the image below as a positive focus.
In addition crystal work is being done in connection with the Biodiversity summit in Japan which ends today. For further details of how you can personally help please visit the Avaaz link.
Thank you
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Meditation For Children
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation is:
'To send strength, peace and protection to the children of the Earth.'
This meditation will use malachite, rose quartz and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart. Please use the image below as a positive focus.
If you are new to these meditations please visit the Crystal Earthworks link and go to the meditation page for further details of how to connect in where ever you are across the Globe.
'To send strength, peace and protection to the children of the Earth.'
This meditation will use malachite, rose quartz and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart. Please use the image below as a positive focus.
If you are new to these meditations please visit the Crystal Earthworks link and go to the meditation page for further details of how to connect in where ever you are across the Globe.

Thank You
A big thank you to all those of you out there continuing to plant crystals and send in records.
Lots of aura planting has been taking place in Northern Scotland, London and other work is planned this week for Glastonbury.
Further crystals for planting are going out to Cairo shortly and a Pure Grace heart for Coastal Waters is being taken to Southern France.
Please go to the Crystal Earthworks link and the Community Planting project page for further details of current Global Crystal Planting projects.
Lots of aura planting has been taking place in Northern Scotland, London and other work is planned this week for Glastonbury.
Further crystals for planting are going out to Cairo shortly and a Pure Grace heart for Coastal Waters is being taken to Southern France.
Please go to the Crystal Earthworks link and the Community Planting project page for further details of current Global Crystal Planting projects.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Crystal Earth Meditation Tonight
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation is:
'To send peace, healing and protection to all who are vulnerable across the Globe.'
This meditation will use rose quartz and celestite in combination with a Pure Grace Heart. Please visualise the image of celestite below.
'To send peace, healing and protection to all who are vulnerable across the Globe.'
This meditation will use rose quartz and celestite in combination with a Pure Grace Heart. Please visualise the image of celestite below.

Friday, 8 October 2010
To mark 1o.10.10 there will be a special meditation through 10am GMT on that day using a Pure Source Set. These sets combine Pure Grace selenite hearts with amethyst and aqua aura and are programed to bring the cleansing of planetary waters bringing healing, balance and flow to all. We hope you can join us on this special day, please use the image below or any positive image of the Earths waters as a focus. Thank you for your connection.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Thank you to everyone connecting into these simple, yet powerful meditations to help others in need across the globe. The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation and Wednesday 13th October is a repeat of last weeks:
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use a rose quartz chunk, please use the image below as a positive focus.
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use a rose quartz chunk, please use the image below as a positive focus.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Crystal Earth Meditation
Monday, 27 September 2010
Coastal Heart To Waters off Fair Isle
The photograph below shows Gary Prescott planting one of the Pure Grace Coastal Hearts into the waters off Fair Isle about ten days ago - you can just see the crystal gleaming white in the upper left hand corner. Gary stayed with us in Orkney for a few days recently as part of an amazing year long cycle trip round the UK visiting as many RSPB reserves as possible to raise money for the RSPB, Asthma UK and WWT as well visiting schools and inspiring Eco friendly practice along the way. For further information see the link to his blog - Biking Birder.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Records for Mallorca
A big thank you to Jennifer Mole for further crystal planting records for Majorca - a Pure Grace Coastal Heart to waters off Formentor beach involving swimming out beyond the tidal zone to place the crystal and a Pure Source set to Cap de Formentor, a truly spectacular area of northern Majorca and well worth a visit if you ever have the opportunity.
If you are unfamiliar with these global planting projects, which anyone can contribute to, then here is a brief summary:
Pure Grace Hearts for Global Coastal Waters.
The crystals are programmed to bring purity, strength and positive flow to the coastal waters to which they are placed and all life forms inhabiting those waters.
Pure Source Set
This set is composed of one Pure Grace Heart, one aqua aura and one amethyst, specially programmed together to cleanse planetary waters of physical and emotional pollution bringing healing and returning balance and flow.
Suitable sites of planting include: source of a river, spring, sacred places in connection to water e.g. wells, lakes.
In both these projects the crystals will work to bring cleansing and balance to the planets water and all life streams with connection to it, helping to return all to purity, flow and heart connection whilst adding to a growing global network of light as we move towards a new planetary cycle of energy.
If you would like to contribute to this healing opportunity wherever you are across the globe, either through planting a crystal or crystals, or through sponsorship please get in touch with the Crystal Earthworks.
If you are unfamiliar with these global planting projects, which anyone can contribute to, then here is a brief summary:
Pure Grace Hearts for Global Coastal Waters.
The crystals are programmed to bring purity, strength and positive flow to the coastal waters to which they are placed and all life forms inhabiting those waters.
Pure Source Set
This set is composed of one Pure Grace Heart, one aqua aura and one amethyst, specially programmed together to cleanse planetary waters of physical and emotional pollution bringing healing and returning balance and flow.
Suitable sites of planting include: source of a river, spring, sacred places in connection to water e.g. wells, lakes.
In both these projects the crystals will work to bring cleansing and balance to the planets water and all life streams with connection to it, helping to return all to purity, flow and heart connection whilst adding to a growing global network of light as we move towards a new planetary cycle of energy.
If you would like to contribute to this healing opportunity wherever you are across the globe, either through planting a crystal or crystals, or through sponsorship please get in touch with the Crystal Earthworks.
Bee Meditation
Tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, 22nd September 2010 is a continuation of our work to help bees across the planet.
As many of you will know bees have been suffering a dramatic reduction in numbers across the planet in recent years with potentially dramatic consequences for all of us if this decline is not reversed. There are many people across the Globe doing fantastic work to help reverse this trend, as well as increase public awareness of the current plight of bees and its planetary significance.
This meditation will be repeated every other month throughout 2010. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus and thank you for joining us.

As many of you will know bees have been suffering a dramatic reduction in numbers across the planet in recent years with potentially dramatic consequences for all of us if this decline is not reversed. There are many people across the Globe doing fantastic work to help reverse this trend, as well as increase public awareness of the current plight of bees and its planetary significance.
This meditation will be repeated every other month throughout 2010. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus and thank you for joining us.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Further Meditation For Pakistan
In light of the enormity of the challenges facing the people of Pakistan, after the recent severe flooding to this region, tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation will be:
'To send strength, healing and positive connections to the people and lands of Pakistan'.
These meditations will use rose quartz, malachite and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart, please use the image of a Pure Grace Heart below as a positive focus.
Thank you for your connection.
'To send strength, healing and positive connections to the people and lands of Pakistan'.
These meditations will use rose quartz, malachite and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart, please use the image of a Pure Grace Heart below as a positive focus.
Thank you for your connection.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Earth Healing Meditation
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation is:
'To heal the Aura of the Earth - repairing tears to the energy and bringing greater peace, flow and harmony to the planet and all her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use a combination of malachite, spring water and rose quartz, please use any positive image of the Earth as a focus.
Thank you for your connection.
'To heal the Aura of the Earth - repairing tears to the energy and bringing greater peace, flow and harmony to the planet and all her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use a combination of malachite, spring water and rose quartz, please use any positive image of the Earth as a focus.
Thank you for your connection.

Thursday, 2 September 2010
Thank you
A big thank you to everyone who has connected into the meditations to help the people of Pakistan over the last three weeks. Obviously the situation is ongoing and I will let you know about any further crystal meditations that feel right to do but in the meantime Avaaz have got a really positive campaign going to ease the monetary situation in terms of aid - please visit if you are interested.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
In light of the continued severe flooding in Pakistan, there will be a set of three Crystal Earth Meditations tonight and over the next two weeks on the 25th of August and the 1st of September 2010 with the focus:
'To send peace, strength and positive connection to the people and lands of Pakistan'.
These meditations will use rose quartz, amethyst and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart, please use the image of a Pure Grace Heart below as a positive focus.
Thank you for your connection.
'To send peace, strength and positive connection to the people and lands of Pakistan'.
These meditations will use rose quartz, amethyst and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart, please use the image of a Pure Grace Heart below as a positive focus.
Thank you for your connection.

Monday, 9 August 2010
Meditations for the People and Lands of Pakistan
In light of the severe flooding in Pakistan there will be a set of three Crystal Earth Meditations this week on the 9th, 10th and 11th of August 2010 with the focus:
'To send peace, strength and positive connection to the people and lands of Pakistan'.
These meditations will use rose quartz and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart, please use the image of a Pure Grace Heart below as a positive focus.
'To send peace, strength and positive connection to the people and lands of Pakistan'.
These meditations will use rose quartz and celestite around a Pure Grace Heart, please use the image of a Pure Grace Heart below as a positive focus.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Crystal Meditation for Children
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, Wednesday 4th August 2010 is:
'To send peace, strength and angelic connection to all the children of the Earth.'
This meditation will use rose quartz, malachite and celestite crystals placed around a Pure Grace Heart. Please use the image below of a Pure Grace Heart as a positive focus.
'To send peace, strength and angelic connection to all the children of the Earth.'
This meditation will use rose quartz, malachite and celestite crystals placed around a Pure Grace Heart. Please use the image below of a Pure Grace Heart as a positive focus.

Crystal Planting The Old Man of Hoy
Thank you for all the crystal planting records continuing to come in over the summer. Hoping to do a more detailed description of some of these once term starts here but in the meantime here is a taster of some of the work I have personally done recently.
We a had a fantastic trip to Hoy last week and our first visit to the Old Man of Hoy where I felt inspired to plant an aqua aura for spiritual connection as part of the ongoing Aura Planting projects ( further details on Community Planting Project page of Crystal Earthworks website). We were blessed with beautiful warm, still, sunny weather and although climbing this amazing sea stack is way beyond my present fitness levels or probably head for heights I placed the crystal as near to the edge of the adjacent land as felt appropriate where we had lunch and all sat gazing out to sea from this magical place.
We also had good views of a basking shark as we came off the ferry onto Hoy which felt very special and is something I have waited a long time to see.
We a had a fantastic trip to Hoy last week and our first visit to the Old Man of Hoy where I felt inspired to plant an aqua aura for spiritual connection as part of the ongoing Aura Planting projects ( further details on Community Planting Project page of Crystal Earthworks website). We were blessed with beautiful warm, still, sunny weather and although climbing this amazing sea stack is way beyond my present fitness levels or probably head for heights I placed the crystal as near to the edge of the adjacent land as felt appropriate where we had lunch and all sat gazing out to sea from this magical place.
We also had good views of a basking shark as we came off the ferry onto Hoy which felt very special and is something I have waited a long time to see.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Crystal Earth Meditations July 21st and 28th
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, 21st July 2010 is:
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use a rose quartz chunk, please use the image below as a positive focus.

The focuse for the Crystal Earth Meditation on Wednesday 28th July 2010 is a continuation of our work to help bees across the planet..
This meditation is being repeated every other month throughout 2010. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus.

'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use a rose quartz chunk, please use the image below as a positive focus.
The focuse for the Crystal Earth Meditation on Wednesday 28th July 2010 is a continuation of our work to help bees across the planet..
This meditation is being repeated every other month throughout 2010. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Meditation and Thank You
The focus for tonights Crystal Earth Medititation, Wednesday 14th July is:
'To heal patterns of grief across the globe.'
The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with a Grief Set and celestite.
This meditation completes a set of three meditations in recent weeks focusing on helping to heal grief patterns at an individual, community and Global level.
For further information about how to join in with these meditations from where ever you are based please visit the projects website - see links.
Thank you for your connection.

A big thank you to every one who has ordered crystals or sent in records of crystal plantings over the last two weeks - it is very inspiring to see the work continuing to grow and recognise the healing that each crystal placement is bringing to the Earth and her inhabitants.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Meditations to Heal Grief Patterns Across the Globe
The focus for tonight's meditation Wednesday 30th June and next Wednesday, 7th July is:
'To heal patterns of grief across the globe.'
The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with a Grief Set and celestite.
Please get in touch if you would like know more about the personal healing applications of these crystals.
For further information about how to join in with these meditations from where ever you are based please visit the projects website - see links.
Thank you for your connection.

'To heal patterns of grief across the globe.'
The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with a Grief Set and celestite.
Please get in touch if you would like know more about the personal healing applications of these crystals.
For further information about how to join in with these meditations from where ever you are based please visit the projects website - see links.
Thank you for your connection.

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