There will be a special crystal meditation on Christmas Eve through three pm. The focus of this is:
'To send peace and strength to the Earth and her inhabitants for the greatest good of all.'
This meditation, as with all work of the project is open to all. The crystals to be used are a Pure Grace Heart and four chrysocolla. Please use the image above as a positive focus.
Thank you for your interest and connection and may peace and strength be with you all.Louise
Those of you who read this blog regularly will know that on the 14th of September this year 'The Grace Project ' was launched. This project operating under the umbrella of The Crystal Earthworks is focused on working specifically with children and young people to teach them a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world and instill a sense of care and concern for others and our planet through the use of crystals.
The seeds for this part of the work have been partly sown through raising my own children - still very much ongoing as they are only six and eight! As I am sure it is for many parents, I have rare moments of feeling I am doing a really good job and many other moments when I feel I have much to learn. However this week I had one of those moments when I felt I must be doing something right and that it would good to share it with you all.
My daughter Ellen who is six, was asked yesterday at school to write her wishes for Christmas on a piece of paper entitled 'Christmas Joy' to go in a cracker and this is what she wrote:
'I wish people are happy.
I wish people dont pollute.
I wish everybody has a great lafe (life).
I wish everybody has a home.'
I felt really touched that in these times of materialism and with all the pressures on children to have the latest toy, gadget, or present especially at this time of year that these were her wishes.
Below is a photograph of some art work she did this summer of the Earth divided in half to show how she felt it looked in a polluted state and how it could look in purity!Thank you Ellen.
If you live in the North Yorkshire area and feel like joining us for a few moments of peace in amongst all the festivites of Christmas then come along to the Robinson Institute in Glaisdale tonight at 7.30pm.
This is the last of this series of meditations but I hope to begin a further set in early spring 2009. If you live further afeild then please feel free to connect in from where ever you are based through 8pm.
We will be using a combintion of citirne and malachite crystals to cleanse and reconnect the mind and body to heart flow.
Just sit in a quiet space, at the alloted time, relax and become aware of the beat of your heart.
Hope you can join us.
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation is:
'To send peace and healing to the lands and people of Zimbabwe.'
This meditation will use a Pure Grace Heart and four chrysocolla in the configuration shown above. Please use this image as a positive focus. Thank you for your connection.
I have had a few enquiries in recent weeks about how best to crystal plant sites where violent and traumatic events have taken place. Whilst any location is unique in its history of events and therefore the crystals best planted to bring healing to it, 'Planting for Peace and Healing' is always a good starting point. This involves griding the site concerned with specially programmed fist sized chunks of rose quartz in sets of four which can be added to for locations which are not naturally square or rectangular in shape.
This type of crystal planting is simple to do and will bring about profound changes to the energy imprinted to the land within the crystal circuit planted, returning peace and purity to the very earth itself and bringing peace and healing to all visiting or incumbent to that place.
Crystal Earthworks can provide ready programmed sets of crystals for this purpose with an accompanying leaflet to guide the planting.
Full details of how to both programme and plant crystals for this purpose will also be in 'Crystal Clear' the book being written on behalf of the project and due for publication towards the end of 2010.
Alternatively if you are able to attend one of the projects introductory workshops you can then go on to study at home how to programme and plant crystals in this way.
Full details of all these options are available on the projects website.
The focus for tomorrow nights meditation for children to be held at the Peace Sanctuary, Ripponden, West Yorkshire, England is :
'To send peace and healing to the children of the Earth.'
This meditation will use rose quartz. Please use the image above as a positive focus and thank you for your interest and connection.
Further details of these Crystal Earth Meditations are provided on the meditation page of the website see links and if you wish to see the page full screen please go to the menu at the bottom of any of the website pages - the side menu is currently doing strange things - on my computer any way!
We have had a lovely time in the snow here today but unfortunately feel tonight's Crystal Light Meditation at the Robinson Institute in Glaisdale, North Yorkshire will have to be postponed due to the adverse weather conditions. The next one is on Thursday December 18 th at 7.30 pm, weather permitting. Hope you can join us then.
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation is:
'To send peace and healing to all those affected by the recent events in Mumbai.'
This meditation will use rose quartz, please use the image above as a focus.
These fortnightly meditations provide a powerful way to help those in need. If you are new to working in this way and would like to join us where ever you are across the globe please visit the projects website via links and go the the meditation page. Thank you for your connection.