Sunday 22 September 2024


It feels perfect to be sharing this crystal planting from last week, today, 22/09/24, on the Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time of perfect balance between light and dark when the sun is overhead at the equator and days and nights are of equal length across the globe.

The planting was in celebration of my 62nd birthday and involved what felt like a never ending climb up Ben Vorlich from the banks of Loch Earn, Scotland. This beautiful rose aura was placed to the summit cairn as part of Crystal Earthworks global aura planting work. These rose auras are specially programmed to anchor heart felt flow to the Earth and all who connect to their places of planting. When all is of flow from the heart perfect balance occurs.

Happy Equinox where ever you are in the world and may we all be of greater heart flow to each other and our beautiful Earth Mother.

Rose aura before planting

Cairn on top of Ben Vorlich

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