Monday, 23 September 2024

Meditation Update

There will be no shared meditations this week as I have the gift of travelling to continue some crystal planting work I began on the Greek island of Rhodes in 2019. I have however been prompted to do daily meditations with rose quartz focusing on Peace whilst away. Please feel welcome to use this as a focus in your own meditation practice.   

Crystal Earthworks meditations will resume on Wednesday 2nd October with our weekly Pure Grace Meditation for purity, flow and strength of connection to the Divine Feminine. All welcome. full details under meditations in the 'Work’ section of:

Rose quartz for Peace

Sunday, 22 September 2024


It feels perfect to be sharing this crystal planting from last week, today, 22/09/24, on the Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time of perfect balance between light and dark when the sun is overhead at the equator and days and nights are of equal length across the globe.

The planting was in celebration of my 62nd birthday and involved what felt like a never ending climb up Ben Vorlich from the banks of Loch Earn, Scotland. This beautiful rose aura was placed to the summit cairn as part of Crystal Earthworks global aura planting work. These rose auras are specially programmed to anchor heart felt flow to the Earth and all who connect to their places of planting. When all is of flow from the heart perfect balance occurs.

Happy Equinox where ever you are in the world and may we all be of greater heart flow to each other and our beautiful Earth Mother.

Rose aura before planting

Cairn on top of Ben Vorlich

Friday, 20 September 2024

International Day of Peace

There will be a special meditation tomorrow, 21/09/24, through 12pm BST, to mark the United Nations International Day of Peace. 

This meditation will use the beautiful configuration shown below comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, four Rose Hearts of Light, four Rose Quartz Aura Hearts and eight angel aura. The focus for the meditation is:

'To bring greater peace, healing, harmony and heart connection to the Earth and her inhabitants.' 

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe or mark this key day in your own way to promote peace for all.

To connect in, simply sit in peace in a quiet place through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer. The crystals will be ignited for twenty minutes from 11.50am to 12.10pm BST and can be tuned into for all or part of that time. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of this meditation at a time to suit you.

As always, every connection empowers the healing effect of the crystals and also brings a deeper sense of personal peace, wellbeing and heart connection benefiting all.

Heart Configuration for Global Peace

Thursday, 19 September 2024

General Healing Set Planting

I had the gift last week of planting this beautiful combination of rose quartz and pyrite to the centre of a local estate which is currently being redeveloped here in Perthshire.

Fist sized rose quartz and pyrite chispa

In recent years there has been a pattern of Scottish lands and estates being bought up for development to enhance biodiversity and carbon capture through funded tree planting and peatland restoration, as well as to benefit the local communities in which they are located. Some of these have the well being of the Earth and all of her inhabitants at their hearts, others, whilst suggesting this is the case, can be fronts for less desirable outcomes. These crystals were planted to the centre of one such site to enhance the potential for its future development to be for the greater good of all. In this powerful combination the fist sized pyrite is programmed to cleanse and transmute any negativity held to the site of planting, realigning it to its highest soul path, whilst the fist sized rose quartz veils peace and healing to the place of planting and all connecting to it. 

Fist sized pyrite and rose quartz at site
before planting

Site of planting

Looking out across part of the estate
from the planting location

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

This Weeks Meditations

We continue with our weekly Wednesday Pure Grace Heart meditations today, 18/09/24, through midday BST. Please feel welcome to join us.

To connect in, simply sit in peace in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Close your eyes and let go of any worries and concerns and then focus on the image of the crystal below and visualise purity, flow and the strength of Divine Feminine connection being veiled to the planetary body of the Earth and her inhabitants for the greatest good of all.

Our Thursday meditations for Global Peace, Healing and Heart Connection continue tomorrow, 19/09/24 through 8pm BST. Full details in last weeks post. All Welcome!

Pure Grace Heart

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Meditations For Global Peace and Healing

Tonight, Thursday 12/09/24, and next week, Thursday 19/09/24, both through 8pm BST, we continue our regular meditations for Global Peace and Healing. 

The focus for both nights is:

‘To send peace, healing and heart connection, to the Earth and her inhabitants.’

using the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below.

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe.

To connect in, simply sit in peace in a quiet place through either or both of the allotted times. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystal as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer. The crystal will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm BST on both nights and can be tuned into for all or part of those times. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of these meditations at a time to suit you.

Every connection empowers the healing effect of the crystal during each meditation. Working in this way also brings a deeper sense of personal peace, wellbeing and heart connection, so needed in this time of great change and planetary transition.
Heart shaped rose quartz chunk

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Pure Strength Set

I planted this beautiful Pure Strength Set, exactly a week ago today, to the centre of Tenstmuir Forest, Fife. These beautiful crystal sets first birthed in 2008 are programmed to strengthen and nurture the natural environments and habitats to which they are placed. Comprised of a Pure Grace Heart and  four malachite they enhance growth, regeneration, vitality and flow to the area to which they are placed as well as adding to a growing global network of similar plantings. Further details of these sets and their uses can be found in the pages section of this blog.

Pure Strength Set to forest floor before planting

As I shared last week this particular set was placed just before midday last Wednesday, so I connected into our regular Pure Grace Heart Mediation from the site of planting within the forest. This was a very moving experience as although I had felt a release of energy and holding to the Earth on placing the crystals, there was a great enhancement of their energetic healing during the meditation. 

Site of planting
Our next Pure Grace Heart Meditation is later this morning, 11/09/24 through 12pm BST, and as I was reminded last week these meditations work not only in radiating out purity, flow and strength of connection to the Divine Feminine at both an individual and planetary level but also serve to enhance the energy of each of the Pure Grace Hearts planted both individually and in sets across the globe. Please feel welcome to connect into these meditations, full details: in the Work section under Meditations.

Some of the myriad of lifeforms 
within the forest

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Meditations For Global Peace and Healing

Thank you to everyone who connected into the beautiful Pure Grace Heart meditation yesterday through noon. This week I had the gift of connecting in from the beauty of Tentsmuir Forest in Fife, Scotland where I was doing some crystal planting which I'll be sharing more of in the next post. It really was a magical experience and a reminder that these meditations work on many levels. Firstly to enhance purity, flow and connection to the Divine Feminine, so key as we move towards greater balance of male and female energies both in our individual and collective lives and societal structures. Secondly to empower each Pure Grace Heart planted or placed across the globe thus facilitating the changes and transitions taking place as we move into the astrological Age of Aquarius. More about these beautiful hearts can be found in the pages section of this blog under 'Pure Grace Hearts’ and on

Pure Grace Heart

Tonight, 5/09/24, through 8pm BST we return to our weekly Thursday meditation for Global Peace, Healing and Heart Connection using the heart shaped chunk of rose quartz. Full details of these meditations are in last weeks post. All welcome.

Heart shaped rose quartz chunk