Thursday 10 November 2022

Happy 20th Birthday!

Tomorrow, 11/11/22, we will be celebrating Crystal Earthworks 20th birthday! 

Our peace meditation to mark this and Armistice Day, will be through 11am GMT, using the global healing cairn, here at Old Nisthouse in Orkney as a positive focus. The cairn has been rebuilt this week, with a new set of crystals to its interior and is programmed to bring peace, healing, harmony and balance to the Earth and all her inhabitants.

Hope you can join us at this time when so many come together globally to focus on peace for all.

May I take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to the project over the last twenty years. The world is a very different place since Crystal Earthworks first began, and the healing, crystal planting and crystal meditation can bring, feels more relevant than ever in the turbulent times we find ourselves.

I've been given the gift of marking the projects first twenty years, south, in Glastonbury, with dear soul friends and colleagues which feels very special, hence the posting of this today. 

The cairn will thus also be our focus for next Thursday's regular peace meditation 17/11/22, through 8 pm GMT.

Thank you once again, and may peace be with you all.

Newly built rose quartz cairn

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