There will be two Crystal Earth Meditations this week, tonight Tuesday 29/11/22 and Thursday 1/012/22, both through 8pm GMT.
Tonight we return to our monthly focus:
'To bring greater harmony and balance to the Earth's energy field.'
There will be two Crystal Earth Meditations this week, tonight Tuesday 29/11/22 and Thursday 1/012/22, both through 8pm GMT.
Tonight we return to our monthly focus:
'To bring greater harmony and balance to the Earth's energy field.'
It felt very special to plant the fourth of these beautiful sets of crystals, this time to the Glastonbury area, on Crystal Earthworks 20th birthday. This special configuration of crystals comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, 2 moonstone, 2 pietersite, 2 labradorite and 2 mookaite, have been previously planted at key energetic times, and to key energetic sites, in Orkney, Cornwall and Glasgow. Programmed to nurture, strengthen and realign the Earth and all her life forms, the crystals are also regularly used as a meditation focus.
The Pure Grace Heart is for heart connection, flow and greater alignment to divine feminine energies, the moonstone to balance planetary energy at the emotional level reflected in our weather patterns, the pietersite to dispel illusion, the labradorite to strengthen immunity and life path connections and mookaite to encourage nurturance of ourselves each other and our beautiful Earth mother.
A huge thank you to Jennifer Mole who has been so instrumental in the evolution of Crystal Earthworks over the last fifteen years and with whom I had the gift of planting this fourth set of crystals.
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Crystal configuration for Earth strengthening, nurturance and realignment |
The path up Glastonbury Tor on 11/11/22 |
It felt very special to be able to celebrate Crystal Earthworks 20th birthday south, in Glastonbury, with dear soul friends and colleagues and we had lots of crystal planting and meditation opportunities. Below are some of the beautiful crystals planted, and I'll be sharing further details of the work achieved both in Glastonbury and in Dundee, on the way back, over the next few weeks.
Rose quartz aura heart |
Blue lace agate, snow quartz and merlinite |
Apple aura |
Tonight's Thursday Peace Meditation, 24/11/22, through 8pm GMT, has the focus:
'To send peace, strength and heart connection to the lands and people of all affected by war, conflict, environmental or natural disaster.'
This meditation uses the beautiful configuration shown below, comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, four rose aura and four angel aura.
Please feel free to join us, from where ever you are based across the globe.
To connect in, simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time, let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer.
Having just returned from south, this week we return to our regular Tuesday and Thursday evening meditations through 8pm GMT.
Tonight, 22/11/22, in numerological terms, offers another powerful gateway opportunity to connect in right relationship to ourselves, each other and our beautiful Earth Mother.
Tomorrow, 11/11/22, we will be celebrating Crystal Earthworks 20th birthday!
Our peace meditation to mark this and Armistice Day, will be through 11am GMT, using the global healing cairn, here at Old Nisthouse in Orkney as a positive focus. The cairn has been rebuilt this week, with a new set of crystals to its interior and is programmed to bring peace, healing, harmony and balance to the Earth and all her inhabitants.
Hope you can join us at this time when so many come together globally to focus on peace for all.
May I take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to the project over the last twenty years. The world is a very different place since Crystal Earthworks first began, and the healing, crystal planting and crystal meditation can bring, feels more relevant than ever in the turbulent times we find ourselves.
I've been given the gift of marking the projects first twenty years, south, in Glastonbury, with dear soul friends and colleagues which feels very special, hence the posting of this today.
The cairn will thus also be our focus for next Thursday's regular peace meditation 17/11/22, through 8 pm GMT.
Thank you once again, and may peace be with you all.
Newly built rose quartz cairn |
There will be two Crystal Earth Meditations this week, tonight, 8/11/22, through 8pm, GMT and Friday 11/11/22, through 11am GMT, marking Armistice Day and Crystal Earthworks 20th Birthday.
Our meditation tonight and next Tuesday 15/11/22, also through 8pm GMT, will use the beautiful septarian heart shown below with a focus:
'To promote Earth centred decision making and action for the greatest good of all.'
Septarian, draws together four different crystals, brown aragonite, yellow calcite, grey limestone and clear barite. Formed around 50-70 million years ago through times of great volatility and change on the planet and containing crystallised chemicals from former oceanic organic matter, it is an Earth centred stone, promoting a coming together of energies for great transformation and new ways of being, both at personal and planetary level.
Please feel welcome to join us for both our meditations with this crystal which will have particular focus to COP27 as well as our individual roles in connection with the Earth and her wellbeing at this time of great change.
To connect in, simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time, let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. Each and every connection empowers the global healing effect of the meditation as well as bringing transformation at a personal level.
Details of Fridays meditation will be posted later in the week.
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Septarian heart |
With COP27 underway in Egypt, and the Earth at a tipping point in terms of climate change, we will be doing meditation work in connection with this over the next two weeks. If you wish to contribute at a personal level, unakite can be used to encourage unified decision making at this vital conference. Simply take a cleansed piece, hold it in your right palm and ask that it be programmed to bring unified decision making at Cop27 in accordance with the greatest good of all. You can then meditate with the crystal as and when you are able to, or it can be placed in a sanctuary space or as part of an Earth alter to work continually. Don't forget to cleanse and reprogram it after each meditation, or weekly if placed in a sacred space.
Working in this way not only empowers Earth centred decision making at a global level, but also helps us to connect into more sustainable ways of living and choice making as individuals, both of which are key to creating climate justice for all.
Please Note: To programme your crystals to greatest effect, it is important to cleanse and align yourself and the space you are in first. This is simply done by stopping and being still, and then asking the Light (Universal /Cosmic energy) that all negativity be cleansed from your being and the room/space you are in, and that the negativity is released to the Earth for transmutation, and then that you and the room/space are filled with positivity. Then you are ready to begin.
All crystals also require cleansing both before programming and regularly when in use, as described Cleansing is essential, to avoid the crystals becoming saturated with negative energy which can then drip back into the environment. To cleanse any form of unakite, simply place it in a glass container of water overnight, pat dry with a clean natural fibre cloth and then it is ready to re-programme, and reuse.
Crystals new to you are best cleansed for a minimum of twelve hours in this way before use, as they will have connected with many different energies on their journey to you!
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Tumbled unakite |
The focus of tonight's peace meditation, Thursday, 3/11/22, through 8pm GMT, is:
'To send peace, healing, strength of heart, and angelic connection to the Earth and all her inhabitants.'
This meditation uses the beautiful configuration shown below, comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, four Rose Hearts of Light and four angel aura.
Please feel free to join us, from where ever you are based across the globe.
To connect in, simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time, let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer.
I was prompted on the Lunar Samhain, last Thursday, to visit the Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn, on the West Mainland of Orkney. Usually I would take a crystal with me to plant, many such sites having had aqua aura placed to them as a mark of respect to those once buried there, and to enhance spiritual connection and understanding of the sacredness of such places. However, this time I felt very clearly that it was important to visit the site first, before any crystal placement.
On that visit, standing inside this amazing neolithic burial tomb, at its centre, the energy felt very still and pure. Yet, as I remained there for a while in the darkness, I felt a prompt to return, on the calendar Samhain with a rose quartz, amethyst and aqua aura.
When I came out of the tomb and read the adjacent information board, this made perfect sense, for some of those buried there, had been found to have been subjected to trauma to their skulls on, or before death. The combination of crystals given were thus programmed together to release negative held imprints to those formerly buried at the site (amethyst), to veil peace and healing to all connected to that place (rose quartz) and to enhance spiritual connection and respect for the site (aqua aura).
I returned on the 31/10/22 and placed the crystals into the ground to the exterior of the site boundary, asking that their energy be ignited to its centre. On doing so, I had a feeling of those formerly buried at the site, sitting, surrounded by their dogs, in gratitude for this energetic release and healing. Unusually for such a site, some 24 small dog skulls were also found buried in the tomb, alongside the human remains, all dating back to around 3000 BC. It was a very moving experience and standing at the entrance to the cairn afterwards I felt a profound sense of peace and eternal gratitude for the gift of crystal planting and the healing it can bring.
Cuween chambered cairn |
Crystals before planting |
Inside the cairn |
There will be two Crystal Earth Meditations this week, tonight Tuesday 1st November and Thursday 3rd November 2022, both through 8pm GMT.
Tonight we return to our monthly focus:
'To heal grief patterns across the globe'