Monday, 24 October 2022

Hill O' Many Stanes

The third sacred site we visited on our recent trip south was the 'Hill O' Many Stanes', in Caithness, Northern Scotland. This amazing site has a least 200 flagstone slabs arranged in a fan of twenty two rows. Little is known of the original purpose of the site and similar ones in northern Scotland, Wales and south-west England, but they are thought to be several thousand years old.

I didn't do any crystal planting to the area, partly because we had been delayed on our travels and had a ferry to catch but also due to the complexity of the site. I hope to return at a later date after intuiting the best way to enhance the energy of this beautiful place in connection to current and future times. Sometimes a single crystal planting as a remark of respect and honour of the moving energy of such a place is all that is received, and at other times that no crystal  placement is required. Alternately, quite complex planting with a wide variety of crystals evolves. Each site is unique and intuiting the best way forward is key.

Hill O' Many Stanes
One of the stones close up

The site from a different angle

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