Thursday 28 May 2015

Tonight's Meditation

Tonight's meditation is the last in our foundation of four to:

'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants, with particular reference to the lands and people of Nepal, using a heart shaped chunk of rose quartz.'

Hope you can join us to help all in need. 
If you have a particular interest in helping those in Nepal, please go to the 'British School' link where further updates have been made to the direct help being made in this beautiful yet greatly challenged country.

Heart shaped rose quartz

The crystal cairn here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney, remains directed to Nepal to help all in distress in that region. You can empower the work of this cairn by simply visualising the image of it below in meditation, or through positive thought or prayer at any time.
Thank you for your connection.

Amethyst Cairn, Old NIsthouse, Orkney

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