Two trips have been planned this week to plant crystals locally to do just that, one to a local school and one to a visitor centre. This way of working is simple, inexpensive and highly effective. It uses a crystal configuration know as the peace circuit which comprises of four specially programmed fist sized rose quartz which are then placed into the earth to the four corners of a site, preferably to north, south east and west but this is not essential. The crystals then act together to veil the area they grid and all within that area with peace and gentle healing.
Some of the places crystal planted to date in this way are former battlefields, hospitals, sites of terrorist attack, riding stables, play areas, parks, homes or areas of housing where emotional difficulties have been experienced, former slaughter house,nature reserve, accident black spots, former workhouse - the list is endless. Just as anyone can safely wear a rose quartz, any where can be planted in this way with rose quartz to the greater benefit of all.
Currently, sets of programmed crystals for peace and healing and a leaflet to guide the planting are available by mail order from the Crystal Earthworks and are suitable for anyone to use - no previous experience of using crystals or planting them is required. You can also learn to programme your own crystals by taking part in one of the projects courses - please visit the Crystal Earthworks website for further details.
'Crystal Clear', the book I am currently writing on behalf of the project also includes clear instructions on how to programme crystals to bring about peace and healing as well as many other crystal planting configurations, for a variety of purposes. More details of this in a later posting.
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