Thursday, 6 March 2025

Meditations For Peace, Healing and Heart Connection

Our weekly meditations for Global Peace, Healing and Heart Connection continue tonight, Thursday 6/03/25 and next Thursday 13/03/25, both through 8pm GMT. 

These events will use the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below, programmed:

‘To send peace, healing and heart connection, to the Earth and her inhabitants.’

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe.

To connect in, simply sit in peace in a quiet place through the allotted times. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystal as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer. The crystal will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT on both evenings, and can be tuned into for all or part of those times. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of the meditations at a time to suit you.

Every connection empowers the healing effect of the crystal. Working in this way also brings a deeper sense of personal peace, wellbeing and heart connection, so needed in these times of great change and transformation for all.

Heart shaped rose quartz chunk 

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Angel Aura

Highlighting the beauty of angel aura today. 

We began working with these beautiful pearly white iridescent crystals in 2016. Formed by fusing clear quartz with silver and platinum, the resultant vibration resonates well with the interface between angelic and earthly realms, hence their name.

Specially programmed to enhance angelic connection to the bearer or place of planting and all in their wake, they work at this interface opening portals to angelic consciousness wherever they are placed.

Suitable sites of planting are areas of high positive energy such as places of worship, spiritual centres, viewpoints, hill tops and natural environments of great purity. They can also play a key part in enhancing healing by placing to sites where many are in need, such as hospital grounds, orphanages, care homes and hospices.


Programmed angel aura can also be worn, carried or used in body placements to enhance angelic connection at a personal level.

These stunning crystals have brought much healing at both the personal and planetary level over the last 8 years and continue to do so from their places of planting, as a key part of many of the project's weekly Earth Healing meditations and in therapy work.

Angel Aura

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

This Weeks Meditations

We have our three regular meditations this week, tonight Tuesday 4/03/25 through 8PM, tomorrow Wednesday 5/03/25 through noon and Thursday 6/03/25 through 8pm, all GMT times. 

Full details of the Tuesday Earth Healing Meditations throughout the year are now pinned in the pages section of this blog. Tonight's is the first week focus of the month using the beautiful crystals shown below.

Planetary healing configuration for first Tuesday 
of the month meditation though 2025

Details of Wednesday’s Pure Grace Heart Meditation can be found on the website under the Work/Meditation section.

Pure Grace Heart

I’ll share a reminder with full details later in the week in connection with Thursday's Global Peace and healing Meditation. 

Heart shaped chunk of rose quartz 
for global peace and healing

Please feel welcome to join us for any or all of these events and to share your experiences via our Meditation Facebook group

Each and every connection empowers the healing these crystal meditation events bring about, enhancing Earth energies, as well as working at a personal level. 

Monday, 3 March 2025

Aqua Aura Planting Rhodes

One of the final plantings I actioned on Rhodes in the Autumn was the placement of this stunning aqua aura into the limestone surrounding the 12th century chapel dedicated to the Prophet Elias high on the hill above Pefkos, Rhodes. 

Programmed Aqua aura before planting

Programmed to enhance spiritual connection through unconditional love in action, this crystal felt perfect for this beautiful, ancient and very moving site, overlooking the village of Pefkos where we were staying. 

The chapel from behind

One of the many shrines within

Many visitors visit the site daily during their stays in the area, treating the many stepped walkway up the hillside as a regular pilgrimage to take in the peace, tranquility and amazing views from this special place. 

Part of the many stepped walk up
 to the chapel

This planting also added to the ever growing network of aqua aura crystals being planted across the globe to high energy sites to enhance spiritual connection and heart led service to all. More information about this body of work and how you can take part can be found in the pages section of this blog and on the projects website.  

Tranquil view from the top