Thursday, 30 January 2025

Holocaust Memorial

With the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau this week, and the opportunity of return for many Palestinians to North Gaza with the current ceasefire in place, it felt a fitting time to share a very moving crystal planting I actioned on our trip to Amsterdam last Autumn. 

On our third day there we visited the National Holocaust Memorial which stands where the stage once was at De Hollandsche Schouwburg. This was once a thriving Dutch theatre but early in the second world war was deemed by the occupying Nazis to be a ‘Jewish' theatre and then subsequently turned into the main assembly point for Jewish people in Amsterdam awaiting deportation to the concentration camps. The stories of suffering connected with this site are heartbreaking and many held there never returned. After the war the site fell into disrepair but in 1962 it was dedicated as a general memorial site and after renovations in the early nineties now incorporates a powerful exhibition telling its history as well as the Memorial itself.

I was prompted to place two different crystals on our visit. Firstly a Rose heart of Light to bring peace and healing to the land buildings, all once held there, and all now visiting. This crystal was placed to the base of the memorial itself where others had left various items in memory of those held there. 

Rose Heart of Light to the Memorial plinth

Looking down to the Memorial

Secondly a Rose Aura was placed centrally to the base of a tree to the garden area behind the Memorial as an anchor of heart connection to the site and all visiting or connected to it.

Rose aura before planting

Garden area to the rear
of the memorial

It is a powerful place to visit, reflect deeply on our own lives, and remember in our hearts that we are all truly one. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

New Moon Meditation

Our weekly Wednesday Pure Grace Heart meditation, today 29/01/25, through noon GMT, coincides with the first new moon of 2025, and is a powerful time to connect inwardly with the Earth as a whole in our hearts.

To join in with today's event, simply sit in peace in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Close your eyes and let go of any worries and concerns and then focus on the image of the crystal below and visualise purity, flow and the strength of Divine Feminine connection being veiled to the planetary body of the Earth and her inhabitants for the greatest good of all.

If you are in a different time zone or are not able to make the event live, please feel able to connect into the energy of the meditation at a time to suit you.

Tomorrow, 30/01/25, through 8pm GMT, will be the third of our  Global Peace meditations dedicated to all who have lost their homes in recent times. Full details in last Thursday's post.

Thank you, in advance, for your connection and for helping make our beautiful planet a lighter, brighter place for all.

Pure Grace Heart

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Earth Healing Meditation

Tonight, 28/01/25, through 8pm GMT, is the fourth of our weekly Tuesday Earth Healing Meditations, with the focus

'To cleanse, nurture and strengthen the planetary body of the Earth and her inhabitants.’

The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with rose quartz, amethyst, malachite, arfvedsonite, angel and rose aura.

This focus will be repeated every fourth Tuesday of the month throughout 2025, and its powerful combination of crystals helps to release old ways of being and patterning, whilst encouraging peace, renewal and heart led flow. 

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. 

The crystals will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT, and can be tuned into for all or part of that time. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of these meditations at a time to suit you.

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation encouraging positive change at both a personal and planetary level.

Hope you can join us!
Crystal focus for the fourth
Earth healing Meditation of each month

Monday, 27 January 2025

Fluorite Platter

I had the gift of visiting a beautiful crystal shop near us at the weekend, for the first time since we moved. It was lovely to enter such a beautiful place and several purchases were made. Among them was this beautiful watermelon fluorite ‘platter’. I’m increasingly using flat pieces of crystal like this in sanctuary spaces within the house with a small candle burning on top. 

Working in this way enhances the energy of the crystal and in turn the energy of the space and surrounding environment within which it is placed. Fluorite is a bringer of flow and pieces such as this with a propensity of violet in them are amazing transmutational aids of negativity and negative karmic patterns, bringing greater strength to deal with life’s challenges and facilitating deeper spiritual connection.  

Fluorite 'platter'

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Meditation for Global Peace and Healing

Our weekly meditations for Global Peace and Healing continue tonight, Thursday 23/01/25 through 8pm GMT. 

This event will use the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below, programmed:

‘To send peace, healing and heart connection, to the Earth and her inhabitants.’

Tonight's meditation is dedicated once again to all who have lost their homes in recent times, through war, conflict, fire, flood, or other change in circumstance

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe.

To connect in, simply sit in peace in a quiet place through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystal as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer. The crystal will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT and can be tuned into for all or part of that time. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of the meditation at a time to suit you.

Every connection empowers the healing effect of the crystal. Working in this way also brings a deeper sense of personal peace, wellbeing and heart connection, so needed in this time of great change, challenge and transformation for all.

Heart shaped chunk of rose quartz
for global peace and healing

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Planting News

I’m hoping to begin crystal planting here in Strathearn again from next week if the milder weather continues. In Orkney it was often the wind that prevented me from accessing sites when opportunities to crystal plant arose. Here in central Scotland it's been frozen ground! I’m still catching up on sharing records from the Autumn for plantings in Rhodes and Amsterdam, some of which I will share to this page and some to the Crystal Planting Group Facebook page, which you are welcome join and also share your own planting experiences. 

In the meantime I hope you can join us for today's Pure Grace Heart Meditation, through noon GMT, full details in Meditation section of

Programmed crystals before a recent planting

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Tuesday Earth Healing Meditation

Tonight, 21/01/25, we have the third of our Tuesday Earth Healing Meditations. The focus for tonight's event and every third Tuesday throughout the year, unless otherwise shared, is:

'To send strength of heart, angelic support and positive transformation to all those grieving loss across our beautiful Earth Mother.' 

This meditation, will use a Pure Grace Heart, four malacholla four turquoise, eight angel aura, and 16 rose aura as shown below. This powerful combination of crystals helps to ease the energies of grief at both a personal and planetary level, whatever their root cause, encouraging heart connection, healing and openness to new opportunity and ways forward, whilst honouring all that once was.

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. The crystals will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT, and can be tuned into for all or part of that time. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of these meditations at a time to suit you.

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation at both a personal and planetary level.

Crystal configuration for healing global grief patterns 2025

Monday, 20 January 2025


When I updated the projects Facebook page, a while back now, so it was independent of my own, I set up two private groups one focusing on Crystal Meditation and one on Crystal Planting. These have remained very small, partly I feel as I’ve had little time to invest much time and energy into posting on them until now.

As we move deeper into the New Year and the challenges that is already bringing to so many, I am hoping to work on these groups more and build community platforms where we can share experiences and support each other in the work. Both groups are free to join and are open to all whether you are already active in crystal planting and meditation or are just interested in finding out more!

Please feel welcome to be a part of this developing initiative. The links to join are: Crystal Planting and Crystal Meditation.

Rose petals and rose quartz

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Meditation For Global Peace and Healing

Our weekly meditations for Global Peace and Healing continue tonight, Thursday 16/01/25 through 8pm GMT. 

This event will use the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below, programmed:

‘To send peace, healing and heart connection, to the Earth and her inhabitants.’

Tonight's meditation is dedicated to all who have lost their homes in recent times, through war, conflict, fire, flood, or other change in circumstance

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe.

To connect in, simply sit in peace in a quiet place through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystal as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought, or prayer. The crystal will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT and can be tuned into for all or part of that time. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of the meditation at a time to suit you.

Every connection empowers the healing effect of the crystal. Working in this way also brings a deeper sense of personal peace, wellbeing and heart connection, so needed in this time of great change, challenge and transformation for all.

Heart shaped rose quartz chunk 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Pure Grace Hearts

We continue with our Our Pure Grace Heart meditations through noon today, 15/01/25. All welcome with full details under Meditation in the Work section of

These beautiful heart shaped selenite crystals, specially programmed on the Eve of the full moon, have become a corner stone of many of Crystal Earthworks meditations and planting projects and have also brought much healing at a personal level through individual use and in therapeutic settings. 

I am currently working on updating the leaflet to accompany the crystals for personal use ready for their re-launch for sale, hopefully in the spring, and on planting instructions for the various planting sets that have evolved. 

More details of the Pure Grace Hearts and their uses can be found in the pages section of this blog.

Pure Grace Heart for purity, flow, and greater
connection to Divine Feminine energies

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Tuesday Earth Healing Meditation

The focus for our second Tuesday of the month Earth Healing Meditation, tonight 14/01/25, through 8pm GMT, is: 

'To bring greater harmony and balance to the Earth's energy field.'

This meditation will use the beautiful combination of a Pure Grace Heart, four chalcopyrite four pyrite, and eight angel aura, as shown below, and is a gift of healing in response to the high levels of human produced electromagnetic radiation swamping our planet at this time.

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. The crystals will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT, and can be tuned into for all or part of that time. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of this meditation at a time to suit you.

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation. 

Crystal focus for bringing greater planetary harmony
and balance in connection to EMF pollution

Monday, 13 January 2025

Full Moon In Cancer

Marking today's full moon in Cancer by celebrating all achieved over the first couple of weeks of 2025. There has been much healing taking place, visioning of where to take the project next, completion of a beautiful initiatory crystal planting here in our new surroundings in the heartlands of Scotland and of course the re-instigation of the Tuesday Earth Healing Meditations. 

In gratitude to everyone who has taken time to read any of these posts, connect into a meditation or planted a crystal since the New Year. It is so lovely to be supported in this work and to feel the healing energy growing across the planet.

Rose quartz aura ‘Ascension Heart’ just before planting

Friday, 10 January 2025

Thank You!

A huge thank you to everyone who tuned in for Tuesday’s Earth Healing meditation. The Wednesday Pure Grace Heart and Thursday Peace meditations have also continued this week - apologies for not managing to post a reminder of the details of these - its been a busy few days.

I also received a beautiful crystal order this week ready for planting and meditation work to come over the next few months and for the approaching relaunch of Starlight Crystals through which small numbers of programmed crystals for personal and planting can be purchased.

Hope you are all settling into the energy of the New Year and enjoying the opportunities for personal and planetary growth this yearly rebirth brings. 

Some of the recent crystal order charging in the sun

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Tuesday Meditations 2025

 As we move into the New Year I am delighted to announce the return of Crystal Earthworks Tuesday meditations for Planetary Healing. Starting today, 7/01/25, through 8pm GMT, with our focus for the first week of the month, I will be sharing the different themes of these events each week through January and they will then be available for reference in the pages section of the blog for the rest of the year.

Our focus for tonight is:

'To cleanse, nurture, strengthen and realign the Earth and all her life forms in accordance with the greatest good of all.'

This meditation uses the beautiful configuration of crystals shown below, comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, 2 moonstone, 2 pietersite, 2 labradorite, 2 mookaite, 8 angel aura and 16 amethyst.

Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. The crystals will be ignited for twenty minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT, and can be tuned into for all or part of that time. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of these meditations at a time to suit you.

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation and also empowers simplified sets of these crystals planted to the Earth in key energetic sites across the UK in Orkney, Cornwall, Somerset and Strathclyde.

Thank you in advance for your connection and helping make our beautiful planet a lighter, brighter place for all.

Planetary healing configuration for first Tuesday
of the month meditation though 2025