Our regular meditation pattern changes this week to encompass the energies of todays Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse, and the approaching festival of Easter.
Tuesday's meditation thus moves to tonight 25/03/24, through 8pm GMT, and Thursday's is replaced by meditation events on Good Friday, 29/03/24 through 3pm GMT and Easter Sunday, 31/03/24, through12 PM BST, full details to be shared later in the week.
Back to today, Full Moons are a great time, energetically, to take stock, celebrate all that we have achieved over the last cycle, and acknowledge all that has stood in our way, or is no longer required, ready to begin to allow the old energies to release and fall away as the moon begins to ebb. The energetic opportunities for release and rebalance are further magnified when the full moon coincides, as today, with a lunar eclipse.
Tonight’s meditation thus utilises these astrological events to facilitate positive change at both a personal and planetary level. Occurring in the sign of Libra, todays energies offer a particular opportunity for rebalance and release in connection with our relationships, with ourselves, each other, and the Earth in her myriad of life forms.
Crystal Earthworks beautiful garnierite (green moonstone) heart combined with eight angel aura, as shown below, will be open for 20 minutes from 7.50pm to 8.10pm GMT, tonight, to facilitate this process, programmed to
‘To bring greater harmony, balance and nurturance to the Earth and her inhabitants’
Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. If you are in a different time zone please feel able to connect into the energy of the meditation at a time to suit you.
Each and every connection will empower the healing effect of the meditation encouraging positive change at both a personal and impersonal level.
Full moon and lunar eclipse in Libra configuration |