Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Meditation for all suffering from Grief and Loss
'To send strength and angelic support to all those grieving across the globe.’
This meditation will use a Pure Grace Heart, four turquoise and four angel aura as shown below.
Please feel welcome to join in, from where ever you are based. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time, let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation and also helps to ease any energies of grief and suffering felt at a personal level.
Friday, 24 February 2023
Peace Focus For Ukraine
Today, on the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the global peace cairn here at Old Nisthouse has been redirected to send peace, healing and angelic strength and protection to the lands and people of the area and all those who have been displaced by the war.
The rose quartz cairn and associated crystals will remain with this focus for twenty four hours from 8am this morning 24/02/23.
Please feel welcome to connect to the cairn at any time over this period in meditation, positive thought, or prayer to help all those in continued need, and promote the return of peace to the region.
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Rose quartz global healing cairn |
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
This weeks meditations for Turkey and Syria
In light of the continuing situation in Turkey and Syria, with further earthquakes occurring in the region yesterday, and so many already displaced, our planetary healing meditations, this week, Tuesday 21/02/23 and Thursday 23/02/23, through 8pm GMT, will continue to focus on this area.
This week we will use the heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below, surrounded by four celestite and four angel aura with the focus:
'To send continued peace, healing and the strength of heart and angelic connection to the lands and people of Turkey and Syria.’
Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based
across the globe to help all those in great need at this time.
Monday, 20 February 2023
Peace and Nurturance
The themes of peace and nurturance seem to keep coming up this year in terms of both personal and planetary healing. Caring for ourselves and the planet go hand in hand, as we are all as one, made up of the same minerals and water, breathing the same air, and sustained by the same sunlight and cosmic energy.
Key crystals in connection with this are rose quartz for peace, and snow quartz and mookite for nurturance.
Rose quartz can be planted to the Earth, on its own, or in combination with other crystals, to bring peace and healing to a wide variety of settings. It can also be used in personal and planetary meditations to veil peace to an area, individual or home. It’s gentle healing resonance means it can be worn or carried by anyone, regardless of their difficulties, to help restore a greater sense of personal peace and wellbeing. It has a beautiful pale to deep pink vibrant hue, is easy to obtain and relatively inexpensive, and comes in a variety of natural and shaped forms.
Rose quartz in rough and polished forms |
Snow quartz is also readily available, and can be used atop a simple stone cairn to enhance the well being of all in its vicinity, with a particular focus to wildlife. It can also be worn, carried, or used in meditation at a personal and planetary level to bring gentle healing and nurturance to all. It is a beautiful milky white crystal available in both rough and polished forms.
Snow quartz in rough and polished forms |
Mookite is another nurturance stone which, in combination with other crystals, has formed a key part of both monthly planetary healing meditations for nurturance in recent years, and in planting in connection with summits on climate change and to key energetic sites in the UK. It comes in many different shades of yellow, brown, red, cream and grey and can be carried or worn in bracelet form to support nurturance at a personal level.
Mookaite in tumbled and chip bracelet form |
Monday, 13 February 2023
Continued Meditations for Turkey and Syria
A huge thank you to everyone who joined in with last weeks meditations to help so many in great need, and for all your positive feedback. It’s always very moving to hear people’s experiences.
With the enormity of the devastation in Turkey and Syria continuing to unfold, our focus on all affected by last weeks earthquake continues for both our meditations this week.
On Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th February, both through 8pm GMT, we will use the rose quartz cairn and associated crystals here at Old Nisthouse to send peace, strength and angelic connection to the area and all those whose lives have been torn apart.
To join in simply sit in peace in a quiet place, through the allotted time. Let go of your own worries and concerns, and then visualise the image of the cairn in meditation, positive thought or prayer.
The cairn can also be connected to at any time, as above, to send peace and healing to the planet as a whole, or to an area or community of your choice, including Turkey and Syria. Each and every connection empowers the energy of the cairn and also brings peace and healing at a personal level.
Please feel welcome to join us.
Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Healing Meditations for Turkey and Syria
In light of the recent earthquake, both our planetary meditations, this week, Tuesday 7/02/23 and Thursday 09/02/23, through 8pm GMT, will use the heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below, with the focus:
'To send peace, healing and the strength of heart connection to the lands and people of Turkey and Syria.’
Please feel welcome to join us from wherever you are based across the globe to help all those in great need at this time.
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation.
Thursday, 2 February 2023
Tonight’s Peace Meditation
Tonight’s Peace Meditation, Thursday 02/02/23, through 8pm GMT, will once again use the beautiful heart shaped chunk of rose quartz shown below, with the focus:
'To send peace, healing and the unity of heart connection to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing, so needed in the current challenges we and our beautiful planet continue to face as we move into the second month of 2023.
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Heart shaped chunk of rose quartz |