Thursday, 27 August 2015

Tonight's Meditation

The focus for tonight's meditation through 8pm GMT is:

 'To send help to all in distress in connection with the current migrant crisis in Europe.' 

This will use the amethyst cairn at Old Nisthouse, the project's base here in Orkney.
Please meditate in connection with the cairn from where ever you are based across the globe, or send positive thoughts or prayers . Thank you for your connection.

Amethyst Cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney

Planting Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

I was back at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on Monday and used the opportunity to plant a further crystal there - a Rose Heart of Light (specially programmed rose quartz heart) for peace. This not only feels key in its own right but will also work in synchronicity with the other sets of crystals placed in the same area.

It was pouring with rain when I did the crystal planting so difficult to focus on the energy changes as the crystal was placed but the overall energy of the hospital feels to have markedly improved since I did the intitial planting some five months ago now. (See blog postings 18/03/15 and 2/06/15 for details of other crystal plantings to this site).

Site of planting - copper beech in far corner by wall

Rose Heart of light ready for planting

Friday, 21 August 2015

Help for Migrants to Europe

The amethyst cairn here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney, has been redirected to send help to all in distress in connection with the current migrant crisis in Europe. Please send positive thoughts, prayers or feel free to meditate in connection with the cairn from where ever you are based across the globe. Thank you for your connection.

Amethyst Cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Crystal Earth Meditation Tonight

Our weekly Crystal Earth Meditations continue tonight with the following focus:

'To help all in distress across the globe.'

This meditation will use the amethyst cairn at Old Nisthouse here in Orkney. Hope you can join us from wherever you are based across the globe.

Amethyst Cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney

Return to regular updates

It has been very busy here over the summer with 10 days away to Arran off the West coast of Scotland, returning via Stirling in central Scotland and a trip out to Westray one of the Orkney Isles. I will share all the crystal planting done in these places over the next few weeks. We have also had several visitors staying and the summer shows. However all is settling down now with the schools back so I will be able to post regularly again. I also have a new phone and have begun working on the projects new website again today, so we will hopefully soon be in a position of keeping contact through out the year.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and continued connection!