Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Peace At Christmas
Wishing all a joyful and peaceful Christmas time.
Crystals will be open between 3pm today until 3pm on the 26th focusing on Peace. Please feel welcome to connect in through meditation, positive thought or prayer at any time and from where ever you are based.
Back On Line
Finally back on line after a lot of stormy weather and spectacular thunder storms causing issues with being able to use internet and power supply. Thank you for your patience!
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Crystal Earth Meditation Tonight
The focus for tonight through 8pm GMT is:
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use the heart shaped rose quartz shown below. Hope you can join us.
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use the heart shaped rose quartz shown below. Hope you can join us.
Heart Shaped Rose Quartz Chunk
Exciting times! I am finally working on a new website for the Crystal Earthworks - long over due but it feels great to get the process underway. The down side is its taking up a lot of my work time so apologies for the lack of postings this week.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Meditation for All in Distress Across The Globe
Our crystal meditation for this week, Thursday November 27th, is centred on the crystal cairn at Old Nisthouse, Orkney, with the focus :
'To send strength to all in distress across the Globe.'
We hope you can join us to help all in need at this time by connecting in through 8pm GMT tonight.Thank you.
The energy of the crystal cairn remains open at all times to the above focus. Please feel free to meditate with it from a distance, or send prayers or positive thoughts whenever you are able.
Crystal Planting News
Many thanks to Ceinwyn Thomas and all those who attended the meditation at the Healing Centre in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England, on 11.11.2014 in connection with the Crystal Earthworks birthday and Armistice day. Ceinwyn has donated all the takings to buy crystals to plant for the Nenet people of Siberia (see link).
Winter Skies
Beautiful winter skies here in Orkney at the moment. Here are some of them, all taken from Old Nisthouse.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Many apologies for not getting the focus for last night's meditation up in time. I did manage to text it out - if you would like to be added to the text group for this please let me know your contact details. Many thanks. Louise
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Peace and Healing for Syria
The focus for tonight's weekly meditation, through 8pm GMT, is:
'To send peace and healing to the lands and people of Syria'
This meditation will use a heart shaped rose quartz chunk. Hope you can join us from wherever you are based across the globe.
'To send peace and healing to the lands and people of Syria'
This meditation will use a heart shaped rose quartz chunk. Hope you can join us from wherever you are based across the globe.
Heart Shaped Rose Quartz Chunk
Birthday Cake and Thank You's
Many thanks to all for your birthday messages and good wishes. I made a simple heart shaped cake in celebration and lit it with twelve tea lights. Interestingly the photo I took came out as shown below with the white icing looking very dark on the cake its self. As the lights were blown out it felt as if each one symbolised a place on Earth to crystal plant this coming year.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Crystal Earthworks! Many thanks to all of you for your love and support over the last twelve years. Hope you can join us this morning, through 11am, for our birthday meditation focusing on World Peace.
Monday, 10 November 2014
Crystal Earthworks Birthday Celebration
Tomorrow, 11th November 2014, is Crystal Earthworks 12th birthday. To mark the occasion there will be a special meditation through 11am focusing on World Peace and using a Pure Peace Set as shown below. This coincides with the two minute silence for Armistice Day in many countries. We hope you can join us, through meditation, prayer or positive thought. Thank you and may peace be with you.
Pure Peace Set
Friday, 7 November 2014
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
An increasing number of people are suffering from symptoms of electromagnetic sensitivity which is a huge challenge to anyone living in are modern world. Carrying or wearing amethyst to protect against negative environmental energies and using pyrite around the home, school, work place, with mobile phones and to any nearby telecommunication masts or substations can greatly improve difficulties. As always the crystals work to their optimum if they are programmed specifically for the job they are required to do and cleansed regularly. Please get in touch if you would like any further details.
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Amethyst |
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Pyrite |
A quick reminder, that the crystal cairn, here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney, remains focused on helping all in distress across the globe. Please feel free to connect to it at any time through meditation, prayer or positive thought to help anyone in need.
Amethyst Cairn
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Meditation for all affected by the Ebola Virus
There will be a meditation tonight through 8pm GMT, using a Pure Peace Set, for all affected by Ebola. The focus will be:
'To send peace and healing to all affected by Ebola across the globe.'
'To send peace and healing to all affected by Ebola across the globe.'
Pure Peace Set
Moon Ring
Fantastic moon ring here in Orkney last night, on a beautiful still autumn night. My camera is just about good enough to capture it. Apparently they are a sign of rain on its way and sure enough this morning its raining!
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Eynhallow, Orkney
Took this beautiful view of the island of Eynhallow, Orkney, on a rare still day here at the weekend.
Crystal Planting, Montserrat, Spain
Just received a crystal planting record of a rose quartz to Monserrat, near Barcelona in Spain. Thank you - I would love to personally visit this sacred site it looks very beautiful.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Thursday Meditation
Our crystal meditation for this week, Thursday October 16th, is centred on the crystal cairn at Old Nisthouse, Orkney, with a continued focus :
'To send strength to all in distress across the Globe.'
We hope you can join us to help all in need at this time by connecting through 8pm GMT tonight or at any other time through heart felt focus, positive thought or prayer over the next two weeks. Thank you.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Crystal Planting Records
Now that the weather is turning cooler I am currently collating crystal planting records from the summer - do let me know if you have anything to submit and I will share some of them shortly! Many thanks!
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Tonight's Meditation
Our crystal meditation for this week, Thursday October 2nd, is centred on the crystal cairn at Old Nisthouse, Orkney, with a focus for the next three weeks:
'To send strength to all in distress across the Globe.'
We hope you can join us to help all in need at this time by connecting through 8pm GMT tonight or at any other time through heart felt focus, positive thought or prayer over the next few weeks. Thank you.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
UN Climate Summit 2014
Saturday, 20 September 2014
International Day Of Peace
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Peace and Unity for Scotland
Friday, 12 September 2014
Bird Crop Flowers
Took this photo yesterday of the bird crop planted by the RSPB at the Ring Of Brodgar, Orkney. We are hoping to develop the meadow here at Old Nisthouse in this way over the next few years, ensuring there are also plenty of bee friendly species in the mix.
The area can then be planted with the crystal configuration shown below to strengthen the bees visiting. Water will also be provided for the birds with snow quartz in to enhance their general well being.
The area can then be planted with the crystal configuration shown below to strengthen the bees visiting. Water will also be provided for the birds with snow quartz in to enhance their general well being.
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Meadow, Ring of Brodgar, September 2014 |
Bee Configuration
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Meditations to strengthen all to heart connection
The focus for tonight's meditation, through 8pm GMT is:
'To strengthen all to heart connection'
using the combination of crystals below.
This meditation will be repeated over the next two Thursday's. Hope you can join us.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Tonight's Meditation
Just a reminder that tonight's meditation is the third of our meditations for:
'Peace and healing for the Earth and her inhabitants'
using the heart shaped rose quartz shown below as a positive focus. Hope you can join us to help all in need across the globe. All that is required is a positive thought, prayer or meditation through the allotted time - 8pm GMT in connection with the focus given. Thank you.
'Peace and healing for the Earth and her inhabitants'
using the heart shaped rose quartz shown below as a positive focus. Hope you can join us to help all in need across the globe. All that is required is a positive thought, prayer or meditation through the allotted time - 8pm GMT in connection with the focus given. Thank you.
Heart Shaped Rose Quartz Chunk
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Ring Of Brodgar
Hoping to be posting a bit more after some time away. Here is a photo of The Ring Of Brodgar, Orkney taken recently. It is always a beautiful and very special place to visit.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Tonight's Meditation
The focus for tonight's weekly meditation through 8pm GMT is:
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation will use the heart shaped rose quartz chunk shown below as a positive focus. This meditation will be repeated at the same time over the next two Thursday's. Hope you can join us for one or all of these meditations from where ever you are based across the Globe.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Tonight's Meditation
Our crystal meditations continue to centre on the cairn at Old Nisthouse, Orkney. The current focus is:
'To send peace and healing to all grieving across the globe and to encourage unity in current areas of conflict worldwide.'
Four rose quartz and four unikite have been placed around the cairn for this purpose.
We hope you can join us to help all in need by connecting through 8pm GMT tonight, Thursday 14th August 2014 or at any other time through heart felt focus, positive thought or prayer. Thank you.
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Meditation Reminder
Just a reminder that tomorrow night's meditation focus is the same as last week (see previous post). Four unikite crystals have also added to the cairn to encourage unity across the globe but with particular emphasis to help heal the rifts in current areas of conflict world wide. Please continue to send positive thoughts and prayers in between the meditations to further empower this much needed healing. With gratitude, Louise.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Global meditations for all grieving
Our crystal meditations continue to centre on the cairn at Old Nisthouse, Orkney but with a new focus for the next three weeks:
'To send peace and healing to all grieving across the globe'
Four rose quartz have been placed around the cairn for this purpose.
We hope you can join us to help all in need by connecting through 8pm GMT on Thursday nights or at any other time through heart felt focus, positive thought or prayer. Thank you.
'To send peace and healing to all grieving across the globe'
Four rose quartz have been placed around the cairn for this purpose.
We hope you can join us to help all in need by connecting through 8pm GMT on Thursday nights or at any other time through heart felt focus, positive thought or prayer. Thank you.
Amethyst Cairn
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
This weeks meditation
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Tonight's Meditation
There will be a further meditation for World Peace through 8pm GMT tonight, 19th June 2014. This meditation will use the heart shaped rose quartz chunk shown below as a positive focus. Hope you can join us from where ever you are based across the Globe. This meditation will be repeated at the same time next Thursday.
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Meditation for World Peace
There will be a meditation for World Peace through 8pm GMT tonight. This meditation will use the heart shaped rose quartz chunk shown below as a positive focus. Hope you can join us from where ever you are based across the Globe.
Orkney this morning
Harr struggling to clear here in Orkney this morning, otherwise a lovely summer's day with lots of flowers out on the cliffs.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Tonight's Meditation
The focus for tonight's weekly meditation, through 8pm GMT, is the same as last week and will be repeated next week:
'For spiritual connection through the unconditional love of the purity of the heart'
This meditation will use a Pure Grace Heart in connection with four aqua aura. Please use the image below as a positive focus. Hope you can join us.
Pure Grace Heart with four aqua aura
Monday, 26 May 2014
Crystal Planting - Scilly Isles
A Pure Grace Heart and aura triangle were planted in the Isles of Scilly at the weekend, on St Martin's Island. The scarf in the picture below marks the planting site. Many thanks to Isabelle, from Cornwall, for her continued planting work and the photograph.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Meditation For Spiritual Connection
The focus for tonight's weekly meditation, through 8pm GMT is:
'For spiritual connection through the unconditional love of the purity of the heart'
This meditation will use a Pure Grace Heart in connection with four aqua aura. Please use the image below as a positive focus. Hope you can join us.
'For spiritual connection through the unconditional love of the purity of the heart'
This meditation will use a Pure Grace Heart in connection with four aqua aura. Please use the image below as a positive focus. Hope you can join us.
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Pure Grace Heart with four aqua aura |
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Tonight's Meditation
Tonight is our third celebratory meditation of the rebuilding of the crystal cairn, here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney. The focus for tonight, through 8pm GMT is:
"To send healing to the Earth and her inhabitants, through strengthening spiritual connection."
This meditation will be repeated for a third time next week.
Hope you can join us!
Amethyst Cairn, Old NIsthouse, Orkney
Friday, 9 May 2014
Uses of Amethyst
I have had some enquiries recently about the uses of amethyst, given the new amethyst cairn here at the Crystal Earthworks base. As with all crystals the energy resonance of amethyst is very specific but this resonance can be put to different uses depending on its programming.
Amethyst is a very good absorber of negative energy, bringing positive transformation and in this way can be used as a protective amulet against negative environmental energies, to bring about positive change to an area of negative energy, to act to form a protective circuit to a home school or workplace, to contain the negative energy of landfill sites/recycling areas or in combination with rose quartz to bring about healing to areas of environmental disaster.
It is also a useful crystal to absorb negative energy from the body and energy field during and after illness and to encourage spiritual connection by easing emotional blocks to such connection - hence the cairn!
It is a truly beautiful and powerful crystal in which ever shape, form or colouration it occurs and is an invaluable addition to the crystal toolbox in our current turbulent and challenging times.
Amethyst is a very good absorber of negative energy, bringing positive transformation and in this way can be used as a protective amulet against negative environmental energies, to bring about positive change to an area of negative energy, to act to form a protective circuit to a home school or workplace, to contain the negative energy of landfill sites/recycling areas or in combination with rose quartz to bring about healing to areas of environmental disaster.
It is also a useful crystal to absorb negative energy from the body and energy field during and after illness and to encourage spiritual connection by easing emotional blocks to such connection - hence the cairn!
It is a truly beautiful and powerful crystal in which ever shape, form or colouration it occurs and is an invaluable addition to the crystal toolbox in our current turbulent and challenging times.
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Fist Sized, Rough Cut, Amethyst Chunk |
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Looking out across Eynhallow sound to Eynhallow, also known as 'The Holy Isle', on a beautiful day in Orkney.
Tonight's Meditation
In continued celebration of the rebuilding of the crystal cairn, here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney the focus of tonight's meditation, through 8pm GMT is:
"To send healing to the Earth and her inhabitants, through strengthening spiritual connection."
This meditation will be repeated for a third time next week.
Hope you can join us!
Amethyst Cairn, Old NIsthouse, Orkney
Thursday, 1 May 2014
New Crystal Cairn
The crystal cairn here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney has been rebuilt and the snow quartz replaced with amethyst. The cairn was ignited through midday today and will be the focus of tonight's meditation to send healing to the Earth and her inhabitants, through strengthening spiritual connection. Hope you can join us!
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Amethyst Cairn, Old NIsthouse, Orkney |
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Tonight's Meditation / World Earth Day
To mark World Earth Day, which was this week, 22nd April 2014, tonight's meditation will use a Pure Earth, set as shown below, with the focus:
'To bring healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
'To bring healing to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
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Pure Earth Set |
The Pure Earth Set combines a Pure Grace Heart with four rubies.
It is a configuration to bring healing to the lands, earth and inhabitants of its place of planting, promoting the flow of physical and emotional nourishment, sustenance and abundance.
It can be planted to promote and sustain soil fertility, placed to areas of deprivation and poverty and has both rural and urban applications.
It is a configuration to bring healing to the lands, earth and inhabitants of its place of planting, promoting the flow of physical and emotional nourishment, sustenance and abundance.
It can be planted to promote and sustain soil fertility, placed to areas of deprivation and poverty and has both rural and urban applications.
Peace at Easter and Beyond
Thank you to all those who focused on peace this Easter. We had crystals set here in Orkney with a focus on peace for all those in distress across the globe but unfortunately I wasn't able to post this on the blog. The cairn here at Old Nisthouse will continue to be programmed in this way for the next three weeks so please feel free to connect in where ever you can through positive thought, meditation or prayer.
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Crystal Cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney |
Thursday, 17 April 2014
The meditation focus for tonight, 17th April 2014, through 8 pm GMT, is to help bees, using a Pure Strength Set and amber, with the focus:
"To send strength to bees across the globe."
Please use the image of the crystals below as a positive visualisation. This meditation is repeated monthly, throughout the year.
This crystal configuration is also good for crystal planting for bees. It may be placed at the site of a hive or hives, amongst flowering plants in the garden or to areas of meadow land, in particular those specially planted for bees.
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