Thursday, 31 October 2013

Meditation for Peace

The focus for tonight's meditation, through 8 pm GMT is simply PEACE.
Please use the image below as a positive visualisation.
Hope you can join us.

Heart shaped rough cut rose quartz

Recent Planitngs

I planted these beautiful crystals into the sea, off the the western tip of the island of North Ronaldsay, Orkney recently. Before planting, the energy to this point felt quite tight and knotted and afterwards much more peaceful and flowing.

Looking back towards the point
Crystals just before planting

Inquisitive seals nearby

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Tonight's Meditation For Peace and Healing

The focus for our weekly Crystal Earth Meditation, tonight, 24th October, 2013 through 8pm GMT is:

'To send peace and healing across the globe.'

This meditation will use a Pure Peace set, as shown below. Hope you can join us.

Pure Peace Set

Thursday, 17 October 2013

The meditation focus for tonight, 17th October 2013, through 8 pm GMT, is to help bees, using a Pure Strength Set and amber, with the focus:

"To send strength to bees across the globe."

Please use the image of the crystals below as a positive visualisation. 

This crystal configuration is also good for crystal planting for bees. It may be placed at the site of a hive or hives, amongst flowering plants in the garden or to areas of meadow land, in particular those  specially planted for bees.

Further Aqua Aura Planting, Orkney

Just planted an aqua aura crystal in the vicinity of this atmospheric old church, overlooking Skaill Bay on mainland Orkney.  A special place in a beautiful setting.
This work is part of the Global Aqua Aura planting project - see pages section of this blog for further details. 

St Peters Kirk, Sandwick, Orkney

Flower which guided the planting

View from the church yard over 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Autumn Views, Orkney

Recent images, taken here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney, where the Crystal Earthworks is currently based.

Early morning mist
Small tortoiseshell butterfly on buddleia

Evening sunset

Tonight's meditation

The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, through 8pm GMT is:

'To send peace and healing to the children of the Earth.'

This meditation will use a Pure Peace Set combined with celestite as as shown below. Hope you can join us.

Pure Peace Set with Celestite

Pure Grace Hearts For Global Waters

Two more records for plantings of Pure Grace Hearts for Global Waters to the coastline of North east Scotland received this week - thank you!

Pure Grace Selenite Heart for Global Waters

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Meditation Focus For This Week

The focus for this weeks meditation, on Thursday 3rd October, through 8pm is:

'To send peace and healing to all animals across the globe.'

This meditation will use a heart shaped rose quartz.

Hope you can join us.