Friday, 31 May 2013

Last Night's Meditation

Many apologies for not managing to get the focus of last nights meditation up on the Blog - technical hitch unfortunately - but hope you will be able to join us next week!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Tonight's Meditation

The focus for tonight's meditation,  Thursday 23rd May 2012, through 8pm GMT is:

'To heal patterns of grief across the globe.'

The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with a Grief Set and celestite, as shown below.

Please get in touch if you would like know more about the personal healing applications of these crystals.

For further information about how to join in with these meditations from where ever you are based please visit the projects website - see links.

Thank you for your connection.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Further Crystal Planting for Coastal Waters

A further specially programmed Pure Grace Heart was planted to Kirkwall Bay, Orkney, yesterday, as part of the 'Pure Grace Hearts for Global Waters' project. Please go to the pages section of this blog for further details of this work.

Pure Grace Selenite Heart for Global Waters

Friday, 17 May 2013

Pure Grace Heart Work

 have had the opportunity to plant further Pure Grace Hearts in recent weeks. Two to the waters around Orkney and two in combination with other crystals to the land. Further details of some of the multitude of uses of these beautiful crystals are found on various postings throughout this blog and in the pages section. Happy browsing! 

Orkney waters

Pure Grace Heart in  combination with
blue chalcedony. ready to be planted

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Tonight's Meditation

The focus for tonight's meditation,  Thursday 16th May 2012, through 8pm GMT is:

'To heal patterns of grief across the globe.'

The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with a Grief Set and celestite, as shown below.

Please get in touch if you would like know more about the personal healing applications of these crystals.

For further information about how to join in with these meditations from where ever you are based please visit the projects website - see links.

Thank you for your connection.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Views of Eday, Orkney

I have had the gift of working out on Eday over the last few weeks, which is one of the North Isles here in Orkney. It is a beautiful island very inspiring and unspoilt. 

Barn, Eday

Sea shore, Eday

Old Gateway, Eday

Lichen, gatepost, Eday

Lichen, stone, Eday

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Meditation To Heal Patterns of Grief

The focus for tomorrow night's meditation,  Thursday 9th May 2012, through 8pm GMT is:

'To heal patterns of grief across the globe.'

The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with a Grief Set and celestite, as shown below.

Please get in touch if you would like know more about the personal healing applications of these crystals.

For further information about how to join in with these meditations from where ever you are based please visit the projects website - see links.

Thank you for your connection.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Special Meditations for First and Last days of each Month

Just a reminder that there are special meditations through the last and first days of each month, with the crystal sets open for twenty four hours for anyone to connect into at any time - please visit the posting for the 1/03/3013 for further details and apologies for not posting this yesterday!

Meditation For Bees

The meditation focus for tomorrow night, 2nd May 2013 through 8pm GMT, is  to help bees, using a Pure Strength Set and amber, with the focus:

"To send strength to bees across the globe."

Please use the image of the crystals below as a positive visualisation. 

This crystal configuration is also good for crystal planting for bees. It may be placed at the site of a hive or hives, amongst flowering plants in the garden or to areas of meadowland, in particular those  specially planted for bees.

Crystal Planting the Highest Points In Orkney

In Orkney each of the Islands has a 'Ward hill' or high point. As part of the work to plant each of these with specially programmed Aqua Aura I had the opportunity to visit this high point on the beautiful island of Eday recently.

Aqua Aura Planted to Ward Hill, Eday

View from Ward Hill, Eday