Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Tonight's Meditation

The focus of tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, through 8pm GMT is:

'To help all in distress across the Globe'

This meditation will use the crystal cairn here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney. Please use the image of this cairn, shown below, and the words above, as a positive focus. Thank you for your connection.

Crystal cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney, today

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Crystal Clear

Just completed the final edit on another chapter of the project's book 'Crystal Clear'.  Nearly there - can't wait to share it all with you!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Another beautiful Winters View

This was the stunning view this morning from the garden, here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney.

Tonight's Meditation

The focus of tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, through 8pm GMT is:

'To help all in distress across the Globe'

This meditation will use the snow quartz crystal cairn here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney. Please use the image of this cairn, shown below, and the words above, as a positive focus. The cairn is currently under snow. Thank you for your connection and helping others in need.

Crystal Cairn Old Nisthouse, today!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Beautiful light today!

Views from Old Nisthouse, Orkney

Feeding The Birds

With increasingly wintry weather here in Orkney, I have been topping up the bird feeders in the garden several times a day, and melting the water in the bird baths, making sure each of them has a snow quartz. These specially programmed crystals help to nourish and sustain the birds energetically, which can really make a difference to their survival when the weather is icy and snowy.

 Snow Quartz in Bird bath

Bird bath, OldNisthouse, Orkney

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Crystal Meditation To Help All In Distress Across The Globe

The focus of tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, through 8pm GMT is:

'To help all in distress across the Globe'

This meditation will use the crystal cairn here at Old Nisthouse, Orkney. Please use one of the images of this cairn, shown below, and the words above, as a positive focus. Thank you for your connection.

Sunrise and Ice Formations, Orkney Today.

We are blessed with a beautiful winters day here in Orkney!

Thursday, 10 January 2013


Don't for get the garden crystals, here at Old Nisthouse, remain open to help all those in distress across the globe. This feels especially important for the lands and people of Australia at this time who are facing unusually high temperatures and extensive bush fires. 
To connect into and further empower the crystals, simply visualise the crystal cairn shown below and use it as a meditation focus or to send out positive thoughts or prayers.
Thank you for your connection and helping those in need.

Snow Quartz Cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation

The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, Wednesday 9th January 2013, through 8pm is:

'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants .'

This meditation will use a heart shaped rose quartz chunk. Please use the image of this below as a positive focus. Thank you for your connection and for helping all in need.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and wishing everyone much peace and fulfilment in the year to come. 

The Broch, Birsay, Orkney, New years Day