Lovely to hear so many crystal planting accounts for the UK - will post further details next week!
Tonight's meditation is our bi monthly focus for bees - hope you can join us:'Tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation, 29th July 2011 is a continuation of our work to help bees across the planet. As many of you will know bees have been suffering a dramatic reduction in numbers, in recent years, with potentially dramatic consequences for all of us if this decline is not reversed. There are many people across the Globe doing fantastic work to help reverse this trend, as well as increase public awareness of the current plight of bees and its planetary significance.
This meditation is being repeated every other month throughout 2011. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set, and amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus.'

In light of recent events in Norway, tonight's bimonthly meditation for bees is postponed until Friday 29th of July.
The focus for tonight's meditation, 27th July 2011 is:
' To send peace and healing to the people of Norway at this time of challenge and trauma.'
This meditation will use a chunk of rose quartz as shown below.
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation is:
'To send strength to all suffering from the effects of famine across East Africa.'
Please use the image of a Pure Strength set below as a positive focus. This set combines a Pure Grace Selenite Heart with four malachite. Thank you for your connection.
The focus for this weeks Crystal Earth Meditation on Wednesday 6th July is:
'To send peace, healing, harmony and unconditional love to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
This meditation is part of a monthly programme of Earth healing throughout 2011 and is repeated at the beginning of each month.
The focus for Wednesday 13th July 2011 is:
'To send peace and healing to the children of the Earth.'
This meditation will use a chunk of rose quartz.
Planted the crystals for the horses the end of last week. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, so felt effortless apart from trying to dig in to the stony soils of Orkney and bending yet another trowel.
The horses seemed really fascinated by what I was doing as were the cows in one of the neighbouring fields so their turn next!