Our work to help bees continues tonight with the first of this years bimonthly meditations for these beautiful and important insects.
As many of you will know bees have been suffering a dramatic reduction in numbers across the planet in recent years with potentially dramatic consequences for all of us if this decline is not reversed. There are many people across the Globe doing fantastic work to help reverse this trend, as well as increase public awareness of the current plight of bees and its planetary significance. These meditations are our part of that work.
The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystals for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber as shown below. Please use the image below as a positive focus and we hope you can join us. (Further details of how to connect in are on the meditation page of the projects website -see links).

A special meditation was held last Friday, to help all across the globe affected by flooding. This was in response to the current challenges faced by those in Brazil, Australia and the ongoing situation in Pakistan. This meditation will be repeated tonight 19th January through 8pm as part of our weekly meditation programme and on Friday 21st January through 12pm.
The focus is:
'To send strength, peace and positive connections to all affected by flooding across the globe.'
This meditation will use a combination of a Pure Grace selenite Heart combined with malachite, rose quartz and celestite.
Please use the image below of a Pure Grace Heart as a positive focus and thank you for your connection. If you are new to working in this way please visit the meditation page of our website - see links.
Just a quick update regarding this project - two more Pure Grace Hearts for planting to global waters have been sent out destined for New Zealand and India.
We are currently awaiting a new stock for programming but I do have a four left of current stock if anyone is interested in helping out with this work over the next few weeks.
I am also busy collating records of numbers planted so if you know of any outstanding records please send them in. Thank you!
For further details of this work please go to the pages section of this site.
The focus for tonight's Crystal Earth Meditation is:
'To send peace and healing to children across the globe.'
This meditation will use a chunk of rose quartz. Please use the image below as a positive visualisation.
Further details of how to link in to these meditations, where ever you are based, are available on the meditation page of the projects website - see links. We hope you can join us.
A reminder that our bee meditations will continue this year beginning on Wednesday 26th January - further details below.
'Avaaz' also have a current campaign entitled 'Save the Bees' please go to links if you are interested and haven't already signed the petition.
As many of you will know bees have been suffering a dramatic reduction in numbers across the planet in recent years with potentially dramatic consequences for all of us if this decline is not reversed. There are many people across the Globe doing fantastic work to help reverse this trend, as well as increase public awareness of the current plight of bees and its planetary significance.
This meditation will be repeated every other month throughout 2010 and 2011. The focus is:
' To send strength to bees across the Globe'
The crystal focus for this meditation will be a Pure Strength Set combined with amber. Please use the image below as a positive focus and thank you for joining us.

Happy New Year!
We are beginning 2011, with a series of three meditations, to help all move into this special gateway year, as the Earth continues her journey from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius.
The focus for the Crystal Earth Meditations, on Saturday 1st January through 12 noon, Wednesday 5th January through 8pm and Friday 7th January through 12 noon are:
'To send peace, healing, harmony and unconditional love to the Earth and her inhabitants.'
These meditations will use a Rose Heart of Light and three Herkimer diamonds as shown below.
We hope you can join us. Further details of how to connect in where ever you are across the globe are given on the projects meditation page on the website - please go to links.