Thank you to all those of you who joined in with this weeks meditation.
The prompt for this came from reading an article in the newspaper last week about red deer in Scotland being in danger of starvation because of the unusually large amounts of snow preventing them from feeding.
Since then much of Scotland has had further snow so the help is much needed. It also felt important to extend the focus to all life forms across the globe as so many animals and habitats are facing challenges world wide.Next months animal meditation will be specifically for bees again, a special meditaion started in January and repeated every two months throughout 2010.

From this week Crystal Earth Meditations will be held on Wednesday rather than Monday evenings each week.
The focus for this Wednesday 24th February 2010 is:
'To send strength to all life forms across the Globe.'
This meditation will use a Pure Strength set as shown below.
This weeks Crystal Earth Meditation is tonight, Wednesday 17th February through 8.00pm.
The focus is:
'To send peace and healing to the Earth and her inhabitants'
This meditation will use a single piece of rose quartz. Please use the image below as a positive focus.

The view above was taken from one of my favourite places on the West Mainland last week, looking out to the Old Man of Hoy. It is in the middle of a stretch of the western coastline where a cairn provides a resting place. I have planted an aqua aura crystal there as part of the community planting project to crystal plant places of spiritual connection (see Crystal Earthwork link and go to Community Planting projects page for further details) as it feels such a special place and constantly draws myself and my family back.
Thank you to all those of you who have connected into the additional meditations for Haiti. These meditations are now complete but I am sure the lands and people of this challenged area will continue to be held in the hearts and prayers of many.
The focus for tonight's meditation, Monday 8th February is:
'To send peace to the children of the Earth'
This meditation will use a Pure Peace set - please use the image below as a positive focus.
Thank you for your connection.

Many thanks for all you supportive emails around this project - see January 8th 2009 posting for further details. We have made a fantastic start with six crystals already sent out or ordered, two for Southern India, two for Hawaii, one for Spain and one destination to be decided on by the recipient! We look forward to keeping you informed of the development of the project as the crystals are planted.
The crystals for sending peace, healing and positive connections for the lands and people of Haiti have been reignited for a further week. Please see Blog postings from January 18th and 26th for further details of how to connect in to send continued help to this struggling area.
The focus for tonight's meditation Monday 1st February is:
'To heal patterns of grief across the globe.'
The crystal configuration for this meditation combines a Pure Grace Heart with a Grief Set and celestite.
Please get in touch if you would like know more about the personal healing applications of these crystals.
For further information about how to join in with these meditations from where ever you are based please visit the projects website - see links.
Thank you for your connection.