Monday 1 November 2021

COP26 Planting, Glasgow

Crystal Earthworks marked the beginning of the all important COP26 Climate Change Summit, in Glasgow, yesterday, with the planting of the beautiful crystal configuration shown below. This is the set of crystals we have been working with in meditation to bring about much needed healing to the Earth and her inhabitants, and encourage and support Earth centred decision making at COP26 and beyond. 

This special set of crystals, comprising of a Pure Grace Heart, moonstone, pietersite, labradorite, and mookaite has been programmed to nurture, strengthen and realign the Earth and all whom walk upon her in accordance with the greater good of all. It was planted yesterday afternoon, 31/10/21 to a beautiful tree in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow and is part of ongoing work to place these crystal sets to high energy points across the globe, and to places of significance in connection with climate change, planetary wellbeing and global decision making.

A huge thank you goes to Mollie Forsyth and Ellen Nacey, two amazing young people who are currently students in Glasgow, and so willingly from their hearts, took on this key crystal planting task.

I also had a set of these crystals open here over a seven hour period until six o'clock last night. Seven feels important as it represents a stepping up, and this feels key both for Governments across the globe, and each of us as individuals, to be prepared to step up and radically change our ways, placing the Earth's wellbeing at the centre of all that we do.

Over the next two weeks Crystal Earthworks will be sharing details of ongoing meditation and crystal planting work, and how this can be incorporated into positive action for healing our beautiful Earth Mother and reducing climate change and its devastating impacts at individual, community and global levels. 

Crystal set being planted

Site of planting, Kelvingrove,

Actioning the planting

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