Friday 2 October 2020

Thank You!

Many thanks to everyone who connected in to the Crystal Earth Meditation on Wednesday. It's lovely to feel this aspect of the work growing, and to be able to send out strength and healing to so many in need at this time.

Although there is only one meditation this week, don't forget that the beautiful rose quartz cairn, here at Old Nisthouse, in Orkney remains open at all times, sending peace and healing out across the globe .

Please feel free to connect to it at any time, in meditation, positive thought or prayer at a personal, community or global level.

Simply sit in stillness, in a quiet place, let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then focus on the image of the cairn shown below.

Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the cairn, and also connects those who join in, to a deeper sense of personal peace and wellbeing.

Rose Quartz Cairn, Old Nisthouse, Orkney

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