Wednesday 7 October 2020

2020 Climate Marathon

Just completed Day 4 of the 2020 Climate Marathon, a month long virtual challenge bringing people from all over the world together virtually, to complete a marathon a week (walking or running), over four weeks. The event is in anticipation of COP26 The UN Climate Change conference in Glasgow which should have taken place this year but is now scheduled to take place in November 2021.
The concept behind the marathon is to highlight the importance of this conference and support and celebrate everyone who is working tirelessly across the globe to create a sustainable future for all. Anyone can take part and its not too late to join in:
At a personal level, this has really focused me in to looking at any further steps myself and my family, can take to live in greater harmony with our beautiful Earth mother. The event also resonates with the work of Crystal Earthworks and I have felt prompted to highlight four different aspects of crystal planting over the coming 4 weeks which feel key in connection to climate change and our collective role as responsible Earth custodians. 

Day 4's walk here in Orkney

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