Tuesday 27 June 2023

Meditation To Heal Grief

This week we return to our regular Tuesday and Thursday evening meditations, open to all. Tonight’s event, 27/06/23, which will run from 7.50 pm for twenty minutes through 8pm BST, is our monthly meditation to heal collective patterns of grief across the globe. The full focus is:

'To send strength, healing and angelic support to all those grieving loss across our beautiful Earth Mother .’

This meditation, will use a new crystal configuration comprised of a Pure Grace Heart, four turquoise, four rose aura and eight angel aura, as shown below. This combination helps to ease the energies of grief at both a personal and planetary level, whatever their root cause, encouraging heart connection.

Please feel welcome to join in, from where ever you are based. Simply sit in peace, in a quiet place, through the allotted time, let go of all your own worries and concerns, and then use the words and image of the crystals as a positive focus in meditation, positive thought or prayer. Each and every connection empowers the healing effect of the meditation.

The focus for Thursdays meditation will be posted later in the week.

Beautiful new crystal configuration
 to heal personal and planetary grief

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