Wednesday 21 September 2022


Sitting in the garden yesterday, in perhaps the last warmth of the late summer, I heard a really strange coughing sound. At first I thought it must be coming from sheep or cows in the field adjacent to our house but eventually pinpointed it to a pile of leaves between some wood we have stacked, outside. Deciding it was most likely coming from a hedgehog, but not wanting to disturb it, I felt drawn to placing a small piece of rough cut rose quartz under the leaves nearby, programmed to veil peace and healing  to all animals within its vicinity.

Returning half an hour later the noise had stopped and all felt peaceful again. Checking up later about hedgehog sounds, what I heard seemed to match that of a hedgehog with a dusty nest or something temporarily stuck in its throat, or perhaps even snoring! 

Rose quartz pieces, like the one in this instance, are really useful to have in your planting tool kit as they can be utilised in so many different ways and are always a good go to for any animal potentially in distress. They could also be used to place near animals that you are aware of that are hibernating or preparing to do so, or nearby their nests, dens or resting places.

Rough cut rose quartz
before placement

Wood pile

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