Monday 17 August 2020

Crystal Earthworks Foundation

This week marks the 18th anniversary of the very beginnings of Crystal Earthworks, when twelve of us came together to learn how we could best heal our beautiful, yet energy challenged Earth, through personal action and the planting of crystals. 
So much has evolved since then, with many of the original group moving on to grow and share their own aspects of holistic healing work, others taking different paths, and yet all those who I still know of, and many others who have connected to this way of working since, continue to plant crystals and bring healing to the Earth and her inhabitants through this simple, yet powerful action. 
In honour of that empowering time and those first crystal seeds sown, for what would become the foundation of the Crystal Earthworks work, I will be sharing a practical example each day this week from that original body of crystal planting.

Key crystals in the foundation body 
of planetary healing work

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