Wednesday 4 August 2010

Crystal Planting The Old Man of Hoy

Thank you for all the crystal planting records continuing to come in over the summer. Hoping to do a more detailed description of some of these once term starts here but in the meantime here is a taster of some of the work I have personally done recently.

We a had a fantastic trip to Hoy last week and our first visit to the Old Man of Hoy where I felt inspired to plant an aqua aura for spiritual connection as part of the ongoing Aura Planting projects ( further details on Community Planting Project page of Crystal Earthworks website). We were blessed with beautiful warm, still, sunny weather and although climbing this amazing sea stack is way beyond my present fitness levels or probably head for heights I placed the crystal as near to the edge of the adjacent land as felt appropriate where we had lunch and all sat gazing out to sea from this magical place.

We also had good views of a basking shark as we came off the ferry onto Hoy which felt very special and is something I have waited a long time to see.

The old Man of Hoy

Aqua Aura crystal just before Planting

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