If you can dig down through deep snow and the ground is not frozen, then it might be hard work but possible. A stone or small pile of stones can be used to cover crystals where the ground is frozen and the crystals can then be dug in later, if you feel the crystals so placed will be vulnerable to disturbance left like this on a long term basis. If you live in an area with dry stone walls these can also be very handy for placing smaller crystals.
If you can't actually access the site of planting because of snow and ice, as has happened to me over the last few weeks in Orkney, then temporary placement ready for transfer to the required planting is an option for certain types of planting. Alternatively, you may just have to be patient and wait until the weather improves.
If you live somewhere like Canada or Alaska then Spring, Summer and Autumn may be your best times to crystal plant and the Winter used to plan trips for warmer, less frozen times!

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