Thursday 3 January 2008

Meditation for the People Of Kenya

It feels very sad to see the images and hear of the unsettling events that have occured in Kenya in recent days as a result of political unrest. There will be a Crystal Earth Meditation tonight for the people of this beautiful country through 8pm GMT. The focus will be:

'To send peace and healing to the people of Kenya.'

The meditation will use rose quartz and celestite crystals. Rose quartz is a bringer of peace and celestite is for angelic connection. Please use the image of celestite below or an image of rose quartz (see last posting to blog for this) as a focus. If you are new to working in this way, the Crystal Earthworks website meditation page* provides further details about how to join in. Anyone, anywhere across the globe can contribute to these meditations to help others in need and the more people who connect to each one the greater the healing potential.

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